Passion Projects with Sara Chipps

Join us this Thursday, June 13th, for the next event in our Passion Projects talk series. We’ll be welcoming Sara Chipps to GitHub HQ for drinks and a chat about…

| 1 minutes

Join us this Thursday, June 13th, for the next event in our Passion Projects talk series. We’ll be welcoming Sara Chipps to GitHub HQ for drinks and a chat about forgiveness.


Sara is the CTO of Levo League, where she focuses on developer happiness as a metric for success. In 2010, she cofounded Girl Develop It because she thinks that the development community could use a few more ladies.You can find Sara on GitHub & Twitter.

The Nitty Gritty:

  • When? June 13th, 2013 from 7:00-8:00pm, doors open at 6:30pm
  • Where? GitHub HQ, 548 4th Street, San Francisco, CA
  • Space is limited — you must register to attend this event.

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Recap of Last Month’s Talk with Timoni West

UX Designer Timoni West dazzled us with a talk about teaching users how to interact with data in meaningful and useful ways. If you missed the talk live, you can watch it and our follow-up panel discussion here.

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A most heartfelt thank you to our wonderful Photog Tea Ho @ Dreambox Photography for capturing the night and to everyone who came out and helped make the event .


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