Introducing Passion Projects

We’re always looking for opportunities to better support women in technology. We sponsor women-focused meetups and events all over the world. This year, we’d like to try something a little…

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We’re always looking for opportunities to better support women in technology. We sponsor women-focused meetups and events all over the world. This year, we’d like to try something a little closer to home. Today we’re proud to announce Passion Projects, a monthly talk series designed to help surface and celebrate the work of some of the most passionate women in our industry.

We’ve invited some of our personal heroines in engineering, design, community management, and entrepreneurship to share one of their nearest and dearest passion projects with our community.

Our First Event

Join us on March 14th for drinks and a chat with one of our favorite Rubyists, Rachel Myers.


Rachel is currently stationed at ModCloth, Inc. She’s an open source enthusiast who volunteers with the non-profit organization Railsbridge to teach (more) women to code. She’ll also be giving the keynote at Scottish Ruby Conf this year. You can find Rachel on GitHub and Twitter.

The nitty gritty:

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More About Passion Projects

The idea for Passion Projects was spurred from an internal conversation about building a more female-friendly engineering culture here at GitHub. We originally wanted a series of internal tech talks with female engineers from companies where we know women love to work. We decided these talks would be better shared with our community (that’s you!).


When we ask other women how they got into technology, it’s not uncommon to hear that they saw someone else doing what they do now and decided “I can do that.” Not everyone is lucky enough to be surrounded by women pursuing the careers that interest and inspire them. We’re hoping Passion Projects will be a good opportunity for women interested in technology to hear about some positive experiences from other women in our industry doing what they love.

Get Involved

We’d love to hear from you! Tell us about the women who have inspired you at If you’re a conference or meetup organizer who’s looking for sponsorships, drop us a line at

🙆♀ 💻


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