GitHub Town Hall: Open Source and Academia

Next week we’re hosting another GitHub Town Hall on academia and open source in partnership with the eScience Institute at University of Washington. Software plays a vital role in much…

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Next week we’re hosting another GitHub Town Hall on academia and open source in partnership with the eScience Institute at University of Washington.

Software plays a vital role in much of academic research and yet its development and maintenance is often not seen as a creditable research activity. In light of this challenge, our speakers will discuss the role of software in academia today, how institutions must adapt to support software tools and their producers, and what universities can learn from the open source community. We hope you’ll join us!

The Facts:

If you’re not able to attend the Town Hall in person, we will have a live stream available. We’ll share the link here and on Twitter next week before the event starts.

UPDATE: Live stream at

The Panelists:


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