GitHub Satellite videos are now online

In May, 600 developers converged in Amsterdam for GitHub Satellite, the first-ever international conference in the GitHub Universe event series. GitHub CEO Chris Wanstrath began the day by sharing some…

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In May, 600 developers converged in Amsterdam for GitHub Satellite, the first-ever international conference in the GitHub Universe event series.

GitHub CEO Chris Wanstrath began the day by sharing some new developments from around the GitHub Universe, including the announcement of unlimited free private repositories, as well as the launch of Electron 1.0.

We then broke into our Discover and Develop tracks to get expert advice from engineers, founders, activists, and more on how to create impactful technologies. Among those who shared their stories were developers from, SAP, Spotify, and IBM.

The videos from GitHub Satellite are now available for you to watch online anytime. To get a feel for what GitHub Satellite is all about, check out our wrap video below, featuring GitHub’s VP of Social Impact, Nicole Sanchez.

If you like what you see in these videos, make sure to grab a ticket for GitHub Universe. We’re returning to San Francisco’s Dogpatch neighborhood for three tracks of excellent sessions, as well as trainings and workshops, so prepare for launch.


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