Complete Schedule for GitHub Universe

You’ve been asking for it, and we’re ready to share the complete GitHub Universe schedule. Each day will start off at 8:30AM with registration and breakfast. You’ll want to be…

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You’ve been asking for it, and we’re ready to share the complete GitHub Universe schedule. Each day will start off at 8:30AM with registration and breakfast. You’ll want to be in your seat by 10AM for the opening keynotes from GitHub:

  • Chris Wanstrath, Co-founder and CEO
  • Nicole Sanchez, VP of Social Impact

Then you can hear from some of the industry’s best thinkers in our featured sessions:

  • Dr. Yvonne Pendleton, Director of SSERVI, NASA
  • Kellan Elliot-McCrea, former CTO, Etsy
  • Dr. Michael B. Johnson, Pre-production Software Architect, Pixar
  • Anil Dash, Co-founder,
  • Tiffani Ashley Bell, Co-founder & Executive Director, Detroit Water Project
  • Marianna Tessel, SVP of Engineering, Docker
  • Marco Annunziata, Chief Economist, GE

Packed into both days are 24 breakouts featuring people from across the tech community. Whether you want to learn best practices on collaboration directly from GitHub or hear how some of the best companies are building great software, Universe will keep you busy. Here are a handful of sessions you can look forward to:

  • Democratic Deploys at Airbnb from Igor Serebryany, who will discuss Airbnb’s process for shipping code efficiently and safely
  • Building Communities Around Open Source Security Software from Christine Abernathy and Teddy Reed at Facebook.
  • Pull requests, code review, and the GitHub flow from GitHub’s own Brent Beer
  • Metrics-driven Development from Spotify engineer and Python Foundation Board member, Lynn Root
  • Keep your code secure with GitHub Security Best Practices from GitHub Services Engineer, Matt Duff

That’s a sample of the full schedule. Also hear from speakers from Autodesk, GE, Target, Bloomberg, and Mozilla. Developer tool fans won’t want to miss Josh Kalderimis, CEO of Travis CI, or James Smith, CEO of Bugsnag. You can even learn how to build desktop apps using web technologies with Electron.

And, of course, you are invited to an afterparty on Thursday, October 1st, with three floors of music, food, beverages, and plenty of space for socializing.

We have a couple other tricks up our sleeves that you’ll just have to come to Universe to see. We hope you’ll join us on October 1st and 2nd for our first conference to celebrate the GitHub community. If you need help getting to Universe, don’t forget about our scholarship program.

Tickets are still available, we’ll see you in a couple weeks.

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