Easily filter review requests by team

Review requests are a great way to ask for review on software, and with the addition of team requests you can get the feedback you need faster. To make it…

| 1 minutes

Review requests are a great way to ask for review on software, and with the addition of team requests you can get the feedback you need faster.

To make it easier to find pull requests that need your review, you can now see them all alongside any team you’re a member of just by using the review-requested:nplasterer filter. If that’s not enough, and you’d like to search for team requests directly you can also use a team search: team-review-requested:github/octocats. This change will also be updating what displays in your global Review Request tab.
A screenshot showing the global review requests dashboard

Qualifier Notes
review:none Returns pull requests that have not been reviewed
review:required Returns pull requests that have not been reviewed but have a protected branch
review:approved Returns approved pull requests
review:changes_requested Returns pull requests that have requested changes
reviewed-by:USERNAME Returns pull requests that have been reviewed by the specified user
review-requested:USERNAME Now returns pull requests that have direct requests and team requests
team-review-requested:TEAMNAME Returns pull requests with requests for the specified team

We hope this new search filter helps you organize your work and review code more efficiently! Check out the documentation to learn more, or drop any questions, comments, or feedback into our help form.

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