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News & insights

Resources for developers seeking to stay informed about the latest industry trends, research, and updates from GitHub. Explore research and surveys that delve into various aspects of software development and open source communities—and Octoverse, which provides detailed annual analyses of open source and public projects across GitHub.

Thank you, GitHub

This morning, I sent the following post to the GitHub team. TL;DR: I’m moving on to my next adventure, and Thomas Dohmke (currently Chief Product Officer) will be GitHub’s next CEO.

Everything new from Universe 2021

Since last year’s GitHub Universe, we’ve shipped more than 20,000 improvements to GitHub for developers, open source communities, and enterprise teams. Here’s a comprehensive overview of what we’re announcing at Universe this week.

Diversity, inclusion, and belonging at GitHub in 2021

In the past two years, GitHub has doubled in size, welcoming more than 760 new Hubbers in 2021 alone. This past year we particularly focused on our goal of making GitHub more equitable. We saw growth in our diversity representation, whose population increased at a higher rate than the company itself.

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Customer stories

Customer stories

Meet the companies and engineering teams that build with GitHub.

GitHub Universe 2024

GitHub Universe 2024

Get tickets to the 10th anniversary of our global developer event on AI, DevEx, and security.