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News & insights

Resources for developers seeking to stay informed about the latest industry trends, research, and updates from GitHub. Explore research and surveys that delve into various aspects of software development and open source communities—and Octoverse, which provides detailed annual analyses of open source and public projects across GitHub.

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Git setup script

I’ve been plotting to make the git and GitHub setup process a bit easier for new users, so I spent a small portion of my labor day weekend actually doing…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

GitHub Meetup SF #5

Look at you. Fretting over your busy social calendar. You know its GitHub drinkup Thursday and yet you’ve just heard about the Functional Alcoholics meetup going on the same night!…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

GitHub Rebase #27

Rebaaaaaaaase. I’m always looking for great projects to feature, so don’t hesitate to let me know about yours! Featured Project redis is a key-value store that just hit 1.0.0. So…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Git for Non-Programmers

@alecthegeek has a tutorial over at Sitepoint for non-programmers titled [Gi]( Your New Best Friend”:http://www.sitepoint.com/article/version-control-git/). img http://img.skitch.com/20090831-ci9ycpn1xcxct2yd7bx3b16kdf.png http://www.sitepoint.com/article/version-control-git Check it out if you or someone you know could use some…

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