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GitHub Copilot Chat now generally available for organizations and individuals

Recently, we announced that GitHub Copilot Chat in IDEs is now generally available for both Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio, and is included in all GitHub Copilot plans alongside the original GitHub Copilot productivity boosting code completion capabilities. It is also available at no cost to verified teachers, students, and maintainers of popular open source projects. As of now, GitHub Copilot Chat is still in the private beta for JetBrains IDEs.

If you’ve been using Copilot Chat in public beta or have already provided access to your development team, no additional actions are required. There’s also no need to install any additional extensions; Copilot chat extension is bundled together with the Copilot extension.

Enterprise and organization administrators can grant their development teams access to Copilot Chat by enabling the Copilot Chat setting for their users.

Please check out our guide for getting started with Copilot chat.

Looking forward to hearing about how you’re putting it to use!

Join the discussion within GitHub Community.

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The new year brings new features and improvements for the Copilot Enterprise! 🎆 These changes are focused on streamlined onboarding and ease of use.

As a reminder, Copilot Enterprise is currently in limited public beta. Enterprises can request access by signing up to the waitlist.

Semantic search can be enabled on any repository

Developers in an enterprise with access to Copilot Enterprise can now enable semantic search on a repository through the click of a button. Once a repository is indexed, Copilot has a much improved understanding of the code base in that repository and can answer questions via Copilot Chat in

Create docsets to access your company’s critical knowledge

Organizations with documentation hosted in GitHub repos and written in Markdown (.md, .mdx) can now create “docsets” and enable developers in those organizations to access that critical knowledge via Copilot Chat in

To get started, admins can create a docset, including the repositories that contain Markdown documentation.

Members of the corresponding organization can start to ask questions about the documentation by selecting the docset from Copilot’s “New conversation” UI in

An organization can have multiple docsets – so, for example, an admin could create a docset for each team with the repositories that are relevant to them.

Introducing Copilot chat for pull request diffs

Developers are now be able to ask Copilot Chat questions about diffs on To see this in action, simply navigate to a diff and use one of the following two entry points:

  1. Select some of the lines in the diff, and click on the icon on the right. You can click “Explain” to ask Copilot to explain those lines.
  2. You can also ask Copilot to chat about an entire file in the diff by clicking on the three dots at the top-right of the file in the diff. Click on “Ask Copilot about this diff” to start chatting about it.

Improved onboarding and discoverability

  • Enterprise admins have now access to improved onboarding as they enable Copilot Enterprise within their enterprise.
  • GitHub Copilot on can now be accessed via the search bar.
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The min attribute in Action-Runner-Controller is now updated to enhance system responsiveness and efficiency. Previously, the min attribute was focused on determining the minimum number of runners that the system could scale down to during periods of inactivity. This meant that when there were few to no jobs running, the system would maintain this minimum number of runners, which could be either active or idle.

The new behavior of the min attribute shifts focus to maintaining a minimum number of idle runners at all times. This means that even when there are many jobs in progress, the system will ensure that a certain number of runners are always idle and ready to immediately take on new jobs. This change allows for smoother handling of incoming jobs, reducing wait times and improving overall job processing efficiency.

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About a month ago we announced that GitHub's Support Portal will soon require login.

Starting today, you will need to be signed-in to your GitHub account to access our Support portal. If you already have a GitHub account, please sign in as usual when accessing the Support Portal. If you don't have an account or are unable to sign in, we'll guide you through a simple email verification process.

We're excited about this change and confident that it will make your experience with GitHub Support more secure and personalized.

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GitHub secret scanning protects users by searching repositories for known types of secrets such as tokens and private keys. By identifying and flagging these secrets, our scans help prevent data leaks and fraud.

We have partnered with Canva to scan for their tokens to help secure our mutual users in public repositories. Canva tokens enable users to perform authentication for their Canva Connect API integrations. GitHub will forward any exposed tokens found in public repositories to Canva, who will then rotate the token and notify the user about the leaked token. Read more information about Canva tokens.

GitHub Advanced Security customers can also scan for and block Canva tokens in their private repositories.

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GitHub Codespaces will promote the current beta host image configuration to stable on 16 January as part of regular maintenance for hosts. This change includes major version updates to the Docker engine and Docker Compose packages installed on the host as well as several minor version updates. These changes should not impact development container configurations.

If your dev container depends on Docker compose, please test the beta image to ensure that your dev container does not require changes. For more details about the specific changes, see our documentation regarding host image configurations here. You can test the beta host configuration with your own codespaces by selecting the beta host image in your personal settings.

Additional Resources

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Use CodeQL threat model settings for Java (beta) to adapt CodeQL's code scanning analysis to detect the most relevant security vulnerabilities in your code.

No two codebases are the same and each is subject to different security risks and threats. Such risks and threats can be captured in a codebase's threat model which, in turn, depends on how the code has been designed and will be deployed. To understand the threat model you need to know what type of data is untrusted and poses a threat to the codebase. Additonally, you need to know how that unstrusted (or tainted) data interacts with the application. For example, one codebase might only consider data from remote network requests to be untrusted, whereas another might also consider data from local files to be tainted.

CodeQL can perform security analysis on all such codebases, but it needs to have the right context. It needs the threat model in order to behave slightly differently on different codebases. That way, CodeQL can include (or exclude) the appropriate sources of tainted data during its analysis, and flag up the most relevant security vulnerabilities to developers who work on the code.

CodeQL's default threat model works for the vast majority of codebases. It considers data from remote sources (such as HTTP requests) as tainted. Using new CodeQL threat model settings for Java, you can now optionally mark local sources of data as tainted. This includes data from local files, command-line arguments, environment variables, and databases. You can enable the local threat model option in code scanning to help security teams and developers uncover and fix more potential security vulnerabilities in their code.

CodeQL threat model settings can be configured in repositories running code scanning with CodeQL via default setup in the GitHub UI. Alternatively, you can specify it through advanced setup (in an Actions workflow file).

If your repository is running code scanning default setup on Java code, go to the Code security and analysis settings and click Edit configuration under Code scanning default setup. Here, you can change the threat model to Remote and local sources. For more information, see the documentation on including local sources of tainted data in default setup.

Threat model setting in CodeQL default configuration

If your repository is running code scanning advanced setup on Java code, you can customize the CodeQL threat model by editing the code scanning workflow file. For more information, see the documentation on extending CodeQL coverage with threat models. If you run the CodeQL CLI on the command-line or in third party CI/CD, you can specify a --threat-model when running a code scanning analysis. For more information see the CodeQL CLI documentation.

CodeQL threat model settings (beta) in code scanning default setup is available on for repositories containing Java code. It will be shipped in GitHub Enterprise Server 3.13.

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The public beta Activity Overview of Organization Insights for GitHub Enterprise Cloud will be deprecated on January 5, 2024. Since its initial beta launch in 2019, the amount of data calculation and storage required for these views has proven untenable in its current format and the underlying service will be taken offline later in January. Metrics-specific integrations such as Cauldron are available to read, store, and visualize your organization’s data via the GitHub API, as well as more general-purpose data visualization platforms such as PowerBI or Grafana. The Dependency Insights feature will not be impacted.

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Code scanning default setup is now available for self-hosted runners on To use default setup for code scanning, assign the code-scanning label to your runner. Default setup now uses actions/github-script instead of the GH CLI. If your organization has a policy which limits GitHub Actions you will need to allow this action in your policy.

Code scanning sees assigned runners when default setup is enabled. As a result, if a runner is assigned to a repository which is already running default setup, you must disable and re-enable default setup to initiate using the runner.

Larger runners are in beta support, with the limitations that you can only define one single larger runner at the org level with the label code-scanning, and Swift analysis is not supported.

For more information, see “Using labels with self-hosted runners.”

Runner with code-scanning label

This is now available on Self-Hosted runners for default setup are already supported from GitHub Enterprise Server 3.9.

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Introducing support for multiple GitHub accounts on a single host within the CLI! Log in with your work and personal accounts to manage your projects, wherever they're happening.

To add multiple accounts in the CLI, use the gh auth login command just as before. Now, instead of replacing your previous account, you will see the addition of a new account under gh auth status. This account will be marked as active, to indicate that gh will use it when communicating with GitHub. Run gh auth switch to change the active account, or gh auth logout to remove an account. Further details can be found in the v2.40.0 release notes.

Install or update the GitHub CLI today from your preferred source.

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In early November we announced a set of changes to improve troubleshooting SCIM activity at scale for enterprise managed users. Today, we are making each of those changes generally available. No updates were required during the public beta period. The following restates the beta changes that are now GA.

Enterprise audit log fields:

  • New field external_group.update_display_name: Our logs will now capture and report any changes made to an external group's display name.
  • New field external_group.add_member: When a team member is added to an external group, this action will be audit logged.
  • New field external_group.remove_member: When a team member is removed from an external group, this action will be audit logged.
  • Enhancements to external_group.update and external_identity.update to ensure consistency whenever an external group or identity is updated.

The SSO page for each user also now includes SCIM metadata for that user in addition to existing SAML metadata. Check out what's new by filling in this url with your enterprise and a valid username.

Team membership synchronization status checks GitHub's understanding of identity groups against the current members of linked teams. This allows us to flag mismatches for administrators related to license allocation or other concerns.


Learn more about external group audit log fields and troubleshooting EMU team memberships.

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Today's changelog brings you the general availability (GA) of organization project templates.

🎨 Organization project templates

We've shipped exciting updates that allow you to quickly create, share, and use project templates for your organizations, making it easy to get started with a new project and share inspiration and best practices with others.

🔄 Creating a project template

You can create a project template a few different ways:

  1. Using New template from the "Templates" section found in your organization, team, or repository "Projects" pages
  2. Converting a project to a template by toggling Make template from the project settings page
  3. Making a copy of an existing project or project template

templates section on the Projects index page

Once you set up your project template, any views, fields, workflows, insights, and draft items will be included when using the template or making a copy of it.

With a growing number of project templates within an organization, organization administrators can designate a set of recommended templates from the organization settings page. These will appear as "Recommended" templates when creating a new project, so they are surfaced more prominently to help guide you in the right direction when getting started.

organization recommended templates

Improved experience when creating a project

When you create a new project, you'll notice an improved experience to browse and search across all available templates and choose one to quickly get started. You will find a new set of "Featured" templates provided by GitHub to help you get started depending on your use case for a project, such as the "Team planning" or "Feature release" templates, as well as separate sections for templates from your organization and starting from scratch.

✍️ Tell us what you think!

Join the conversation in the community discussion to share your feedback.

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what's on the roadmap, and learn more in the documentation.

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We listened to your feedback and released new versions (v4) of actions/upload-artifact and actions/download-artifact. While this version of the artifact actions includes up to 10x performance improvements and several new features, there are also key differences from previous versions that may require updates to your workflows.

  • Artifacts will be scoped to a job rather than a workflow. This allows the artifact to become immediately available to download from the API after being uploaded, which was not possible before.
  • Artifacts v4 is not cross-compatible with previous versions. For example, an artifact uploaded using v3 cannot be used with actions/download-artifact@v4.
  • Using upload-artifact@v4 ensures artifacts are immutable, improving performance and protecting objects from corruption, which would often happen with concurrent uploads. Artifacts should be uploaded separately and then downloaded into a single directory using the two new inputs, pattern and merge-multiple, available in download-artifact@v4. These objects can then be re-uploaded as a single artifact.
  • A single job can upload a maximum of 500 artifacts.

Customers will still be able to use v1v3 of the artifact actions. If you wish to upgrade your workflow to use v4, please carefully consider the impact the aforementioned major version changes will have on your project and any downstream dependencies.

Artifacts v4 is only available to customers today but we will be extending support to GitHub Enterprise Server (GHES) customers in the future.

To learn more about what is included in v4, visit the actions/upload-artifact and actions/download-artifact repositories.

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A screenshot of the five available types of Markdown alerts

Alerts are a Markdown extension displayed with distinctive colors and icons to indicate the significance of the content. Five different types of alerts are supported:

  • Note: Useful information that users should know, even when skimming content.
  • Tip: Helpful advice for doing things better or more easily.
  • Important: Key information users need to know to achieve their goal.
  • Warning: Urgent info that needs immediate user attention to avoid problems.
  • Caution: Advises about risks or negative outcomes of certain actions.

Learn more about how to use them within your Markdown content in the documentation.

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In the secret scanning list view, you can now apply a filter to display alerts that are the result of having bypassed push protection. This filter can be applied at the repository, organization, and enterprise levels from the sort menu in the list view UI or by adding bypassed:true to the search bar.

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CodeQL 2.15.4 is rolling out to users of GitHub code scanning on this week, and all new functionality will also be included in GHES 3.12. Users of GHES 3.11 or older can upgrade their CodeQL version.

Important changes in this release include:

  • Performance improvements on large runners (instances with 8 to 16 vCPUs) lead to a reduction in end to end analysis time between 5% and 15%, due to more effective parallelization. Where possible, upgrading to larger instances is recommend for projects that currently use 4 or fewer vCPUs and take more than 10 minutes to analyze.
  • Analysis times for C and C++ code bases of any size are reduced on average by 6%
  • TypeScript 5.3, Java 21 and Python 3.12 are now supported.
  • We have resolved a problem causing scan timeouts on macOS (the default for Swift analysis). This problem affected up to 10% of scans for some projects. Although timeouts may still occur, they are now expected in less than 0.5% of scans. We are actively addressing the remaining issues.

For a full list of changes, please refer to the complete changelog for version 2.15.4.

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In January, GitHub Classroom will begin a public beta that will change the way student repositories are created from starter code repositories. Currently, starter code repositories must be template repositories, and GitHub Classroom creates a repository from a template for each student repository. After the change, student repositories will be created by forking the starter code repository.

This change allows us to enable one of our most-requested features from teachers: the ability to change starter code after an assignment has been accepted by students. Students will be able to sync their assignment repository with the upstream starter code, allowing teachers to correct starter code mistakes or add additional content after the assignment has gone live to students.

Because there are important differences between creating a repository from a template and forking a repository, there will be important changes in behavior for both new and existing assignments in GitHub Classroom. We recommend reviewing the following new behaviors and making adjustments to your assignments if necessary.

Important Changes starting in January

  • All new accepted assignments will be forks, including existing assignments that were created with a template repository. Existing assignment repositories will not be changed, so they will not be able to sync changes from upstream.
  • Starter code assignments cannot be empty. If you are using a starter code repository without any commits, students will not be able to accept your assignment. GitHub Classroom will enforce this requirement for new assignments, but you will need to manually create an initial commit to existing empty starter code repositories in order for students to accept assignments.
  • Starter code commits will no longer be automatically squashed in student repos. A new fork includes the entire commit history of the parent repository, while a repository created from a template starts with a single commit. This can affect teachers who may have assignment solutions in the commit history of the starter code. We recommend using Git on the command line or GitHub Desktop to squash commits of starter code repositories prior to distributing assignments to students if you previously had solutions filled-in the starter code.
  • Student repository visibility will be inherited from the starter code repository. Forks of public repositories cannot be made private on GitHub. As a result, if you wish to use a public template repository as starter code for an assignment where student repositories should remain private, we recommend creating a new repository from the public template and setting it to private prior to using it as starter code in a GitHub Classroom assignment.

Be on the lookout for another Changelog post when the public beta begins. Join the conversation in our Education community discussions for further clarifications.

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