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Today, we’re excited to announce the general availability of our new organization and enterprise-level security overview dashboards, alongside enhanced secret scanning metrics and the enablement trends reports. These features are designed to provide comprehensive insights, improved prioritization, and advanced filtering options to streamline your security improvements.

Code security insights

Organization-level overview dashboard on the security tab

Our new security overview dashboard, available at both the organization and enterprise levels, integrates security into the core of the development lifecycle. This empowers you to proactively identify and address vulnerabilities. Key features include:

  • Track security improvements: Monitor trends over time by age, severity, and security tool, simplifying prioritization with top 10 lists focused on repositories and advisories.
  • Autofix impact: Understand how autofix, powered by GitHub Copilot, is influencing your enterprise’s security remediation efforts.
  • Advanced filtering: Customize data focus with filters by attributes such as team, repository metadata (i.e., custom repository properties), and security tool-specific filters:
    • Dependabot: Filter by ecosystem, package, and dependency scope.
    • CodeQL/Third-Party: Filter by specific rules.
    • Secret Scanning: Filter by secret type, provider, push protection status, and validity.

Organization-level enablement trends report

Monitor the enablement trends of all security tools with detailed insights into the activation status of Dependabot alerts, Dependabot security updates, code scanning, secret scanning alerts, and secret scanning push protection, giving you at-a-glance oversight of your security coverage.

Push protection insights for secret scanning

Organization-level secret scanning metrics page

Gain insights into how push protection is functioning throughout your enterprise. Monitor the number of pushes containing secrets that have been successfully blocked, as well as instances where push protection was bypassed. Detailed insights by secret type, repository, and reasons for bypassing are also available.

To access these features, navigate to your profile photo in the top-right corner of and select the organization or enterprise you wish to view. For organizations, click on the Security tab. For enterprises, click Code Security in the enterprise account sidebar.

These features are generally available on today and will be generally available in GitHub Enterprise Server 3.14.

Learn more about the security overview dashboard, the secret scanning metrics report and the enablement trends report

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GitHub Enterprise Cloud customers can now see code security configurations data in audit log events.

Code security configurations simplify the rollout of GitHub security products at scale by defining collections of security settings and helping you apply those settings to groups of repositories. Configurations help you change the settings for important features like code scanning, secret scanning, and Dependabot.

With the addition of configurations data in the audit log, organization and enterprise owners have easy visibility into why the settings on certain repositories may have changed.

Audit log events now include:
– Name of the configuration applied to a repository
– When the configuration application fails
– When a configuration is removed from a repository
– When configurations are created, updated, or deleted
– When configurations become enforced
– When the default configuration for new repositories changes

Code security configurations are now available in public beta on and will be available in GitHub Enterprise Server 3.15. You can learn more about code security configurations or send us your feedback.

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The REST API now supports the following code security configuration actions for organizations:
Detach configurations from repositories
Enforce configurations
Enable validity checks for secret scanning in a configuration

The API is now available on GitHub Enterprise Cloud and will be available in GitHub Enterprise Server 3.15.0. You can learn more about security configurations, the REST API, or send us your feedback.

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Secret scanning now detects generic passwords using AI. Passwords are difficult to find with custom patterns — the AI-powered detection offers greater precision for unstructured credentials that can cause security breaches if exposed.

Passwords found in git content will create a secret scanning alert in a separate tab from regular alerts. Passwords will not be detected in non-git content, like GitHub Issues or pull requests, and are not included in push protection. Password detection is backed by the Copilot API and is available for all repositories with a GitHub Advanced Security license. You do not need a Copilot license to enable generic secret detection.

To start detecting passwords, select “Use AI detection to find additional secrets” within your code security and analysis settings at the repository level, or the code security global settings at the organization level.

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Organization owners and security managers can now filter the table of repositories on the code security configurations settings page by configuration attachment failure reason.

This is useful when you’ve attempted to attach a code security configuration to many repositories at the same time, and some have failed. The reason for the failure is also now listed in the row with the repository name.

Use the search bar to filter by failure-reason: and then insert one of the following options:
actions_disabled – When you are attempting to rollout default setup for code scanning, but the repository does not have Actions enabled on it.
code_scanning – When you are attempting to rollout default setup for code scanning, but the repository already has advanced setup for code scanning.
enterprise_policy – When the enterprise does not permit GitHub Advanced Security to be enabled in this organization.
not_enough_licenses – When enabling advanced security on these repositories would exceed your seat allowance.
not_purchased – When you are attempting to rollout a configuration with GitHub Advanced Security features, but GitHub Advanced Security has not been purchased.
unknown – When something unexpected occurred.

Learn more about code security configurations, the configurations REST API, or send us your feedback.

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Secret scanning now helps you more easily define custom patterns with GitHub Copilot.

Generally available as of today, you can now leverage AI to generate custom patterns without expert knowledge of regular expressions.

Generate a secret scanning custom pattern with AI

What’s changing?

Defining custom patterns is now simpler and more efficient. You can leverage AI to generate patterns via text input — without expert knowledge in regular expressions.

With secret scanning, you can create your own custom detectors by using custom patterns. Formatted as regular expressions, these custom patterns can be challenging to write. Secret scanning now supports a pattern generator backed by GitHub Copilot in order to generate regular expressions that match your input.

How do I use the regular expression generator?

When defining a custom pattern, you can select “generate with AI” in order to launch the regular expression generator.

The model returns up to three regular expressions for you to review. You can click on the regular expression to get an AI-generated plain language description of the regular expression. You should still review this input and carefully validate performance of results by performing a dry run across your organization or repository.

Who can use the regular expression generator?

All GitHub Advanced Security customers on GitHub Enterprise Cloud can use the regular expression generator today. Anyone able to define custom patterns is able to use the regular expression generator (e.g. any admin at the repository, organization, or enterprise levels). You do not need a GitHub Copilot license to use the regular expression generator.

Learn more about the regular expression generator or how to define your own custom patterns.

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Code scanning autofix for alerts in default branch is now available in public beta for all GitHub Advanced Security customers. This feature empowers developers to reduce the time and effort spent remediating existing alerts and reduce the number of vulnerabilities in the code base.

Powered by GitHub Copilot, code scanning generates fixes for alerts in all CodeQL supported languages.

Example autofix page for a Missing regular expression anchor vulnerability detected with CodeQL

With code scanning autofix, you can reduce security debt by generating fixes for alerts that are detected on the main or default branches of your repository. On the alert pages where autofix is available, press the ‘Generate fix’ button to get a natural language explanation of the suggested fix, along with a preview of the code suggestion. You can accept the fix by creating a PR with the fix and even edit the fix as part of the PR flow. These code suggestions can include changes to multiple files, and where needed, autofix may also add or modify dependencies.

Example of the autofix generation process, showing the Generate fix button

Code scanning autofix is automatically enabled on private repositories for all GitHub Advanced Security customers.

You can configure code scanning autofix for a repository or organisation. You can also use ‘Policies for Code security and analysis’ to allow autofix for CodeQL code scanning for an enterprise.

Enterprise level settings view of Autofix for CodeQL

The fix generation for any given alert depends on the context and location of the alert. In some cases, code scanning won’t display a fix suggestion for an alert if the suggested code change fails syntax tests or safety filtering.

You do not need a Copilot license to use autofix for existing alerts. For more information, see About code scanning autofix.

Provide feedback for code scanning autofix here.

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Starting today, we are deprecating npm hooks services and they might no longer be functional, including current hooks subscriptions. This deprecation includes npm hooks API Endpoints and its related cli npm hook command. Users should expect the API Endpoints to respond with a deprecation message. The npm cli will no longer be able to add new hooks using the npm registry.

The npm hooks services were launched as Beta in 2016 so users could use the endpoints to be notified of changes in the npm packages, owners, or scopes. The service never achieved a full GA maturity. We are sunsetting the hooks services in favor of our ongoing investments for the npm platform, including high quality standards on the maintenance of our other existing services.

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Enterprise Owners on GitHub Enterprise Cloud (GHEC) can join a private beta allowing them to configure audit log streaming via the REST API. This private beta grants access to new API endpoints for the following audit log streaming actions:

  • GET Endpoint Configuration: Retrieve the audit log streaming configuration for your Enterprise.
  • Stream Key Endpoint: Provide the customer with an audit streaming key. This key is essential for our customers to encrypt their secrets before sending them via an API call.
  • POST Endpoint: Create new audit log stream configurations.
  • PUT Endpoint: Update existing audit log stream configurations.
  • DELETE Endpoint: Delete existing audit log stream configurations.

With the introduction of these new REST API endpoints, enterprise owners can programmatically create, update, delete and list their Enterprise’s audit log streams. By allowing programmatic updates to the audit log streaming configuration, customers can automate tasks like rotating your audit log streaming secrets.

These new audit log streaming endpoints will impose a rate limit of 15 API requests per hour to protect the availability of the audit log streaming service. For the time being, these endpoints are only accessible via personal access token (PAT) classic and OAuth token with admin:enterprise scope.

Enterprise owners interested in participating in the private beta should reach out to your GitHub account manager or contact our sales team to have this feature enabled for your enterprise. Enterprise owners can follow instructions for these API endpoints, and provide feedback on their experience on our community discussion.

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Organization owners can now grant a user or team access to all of the repositories in their org with a single click. Five new pre-defined roles have been added to the organization settings, under Organization Roles > Role Management, where all organization owners can view and assign them.

Pre-defined roles ship natively with GitHub. We will add more pre-defined roles over time that support common personas like “CI/CD Admin” or “Security Manager”.

A screenshot showing the five new roles in the organization settings

Introducing pre-defined roles and organization-wide repository permissioning

These five new roles showcase an expansion of organization roles – the ability to also include repository-level base roles (like read) and permissions (like close issue). When granted, the recipient has those privileges on all of the repositories in the organization, current and future. While organization owners cannot yet create organization roles that include repository permissions, that will be supported in the coming months.

A screenshot of the Triage role expanded to show the repository permissions included in the role

This new functionality of organization roles helps organizations replace automation that watches for new repository creation and adds the right users or team to every repository.

UI updates to show role assignments

When users and teams are assigned access across all repositories, this is called out in the team and repository view rather than list all of the accesses.

A screenshot showing that this team has access to all of the repositories in the organization. Below it is a listing of the repositories that the team has been given specific access to.

In addition, the Roles Management view in the organization settings has been updated to show indirect assignments – these are roles that a user or team recieves due to a team that they are a member of. This provides a full accounting of all organization roles that a user or team has within the organization.

A screenshot showing a user that has been granted two roles. One is directly assigned, and has a remove button on the right hand side of the row. The other is indirectly assigned via a team named org-member-parent-team, and does not have a remove option.

The APIs for organization role management have been updated to support these pre-defined roles. You’ll find a base_role field in the description of the organization role, which is the repository role (like read) that is included in the organization role.

You can learn more about organization roles at “Using organization roles“.

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Over the next few weeks, jobs generating Dependabot pull requests will start running as GitHub Actions workflows on accounts with GitHub Actions enabled. This migration will include faster Dependabot runs, increased troubleshooting visibility, self-hosted runner support, and other performance and feature benefits. No additional steps are required, and you should not experience service disruptions during the migration. By the beginning of September, repositories with GitHub Actions enabled should expect to see the jobs that generate Dependabot pull requests run as GitHub Actions workflows.

Running Dependabot does not count towards GitHub Actions minutes – meaning that using Dependabot continues to be free for everyone.

Are you so excited for the Dependabot performance benefits that you want to get started today? You can optionally enroll your repositories and/or organizations before the migration begins! Get started by opting in to run Dependabot PR jobs as GitHub Actions workflows here.

If your organization has disabled GitHub Actions by policy, Dependabot will continue to run on the legacy compute provider. If you want to use Dependabot on GitHub Actions, an organization administrator must update your configuration before opting in to run Dependabot on GitHub Actions.

Check out our docs to learn more about Dependabot on GitHub Actions. For additional information, check out our blog post or previous changelog.

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Code security configurations are now generally available (GA)!

Code security configurations simplify the rollout of GitHub security products at scale. They help you define collections of security settings and apply them across groups of repositories.

Since the beta release on April 2, 2024, we’ve launched several improvements, including configuration enforcement and an API.

We have sunset the old organization-level code security settings UI experience along with the API parameters that complemented it.

All new changes to security settings must happen through the new code security configurations expereince. Organizations that were previously opted out of the experience have been opted back in. All default settings for new repositories have been migrated to a configuration called “Legacy” and automatically applied to new repos.

Learn more about code security configurations, the configurations REST API, or send us your feedback.

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When rolling out code scanning default setup at scale (e.g., via code security configurations), GitHub checks if an advanced CodeQL setup already exists for each repository. If an advanced setup exists, GitHub retains it and does not enable the default setup.

Starting today, it will be easier to understand if a repository will be converted during an at scale rollout.

Previously, GitHub would consider a repository to be using an advanced setup if the repository had ever had a CodeQL analysis. After this change, a repository is now considered as using an advanced CodeQL setup only if:

  • In the last 90 days, there has been a CodeQL analysis for the default branch, and
  • the workflow file associated with the latest CodeQL analysis in the default branch has not been deleted or disabled.

How does this affect me?

The improvements to the detection of existing CodeQL setups impacts you only if you are doing a rollout of code scanning at scale using (e.g.,) code security configurations and had previously used CodeQL via an advanced setup on some of your repositories.

If you are doing a rollout at scale, and want a repository to be considered for conversion to default setup, you can now delete or disable the associated yml file or you can delete the associated configurations for API-based advanced setups.

These changes will simplify enabling default setup at scale by increasing the number of repositories that are converted from advanced to default setup during an at scale rollout.

How do I convert my repo from advanced setup to default setup?

You can always enable default setup at the repository level. If there is a yml workflow file in the repository, GitHub will disable it for you. If you are doing API uploads, however, you need to adjust your CI/CD systems to stop submitting analyses. Note that while default setup is enabled, all CodeQL uploads via the API will be rejected.

How do I convert my repos from advanced setup to default setup at scale?

To convert multiple repos you have two options.
1. Use the default setup repository-level API, or
2. Use organization-level code security configurations to configure all the GHAS products in one go.

Note that repositories will be converted from default to advance only if they meet any of following criteria:

  • The latest CodeQL analysis on the default branch is older than 90 days old.
  • All CodeQL configurations have been deleted.
  • (Exclusively for yml-based advanced setups) The workflow file has been deleted or disabled.

Can I use an API to bulk disable advanced setups that use yml workflow files?

Yes. You can directly disable the associated workflow file by calling the Actions endpoint via the REST API. To do so, you will need to know the name of the workflow file. The name of the workflow file can be found in the code scanning /analyses endpoint.

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Code security configurations will be made generally available (GA) on July 10th, 2024. At that point, we will sunset the organization-level code security settings UI experience along with the API parameters that complemented it.

If you are currently using the Update an organization REST API endpoint to set default security settings for new repositories, or the Get an organization REST API endpoint to retrieve current defaults for security settings on new repositories, those parameters will now be ignored. The parameters will be removed entirely in the next version of the REST API.

Your previous default settings in your organization have been saved to a code security configuration called “Legacy” and will continue to apply. To change the default security settings for new repositories, use the code security configurations UI, the configurations API, or the unaffected enterprise-level security settings.

Learn more about code security configurations, the configurations REST API, or send us your feedback.

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GitHub Copilot Enterprise subscribers in Visual Studio can now use Copilot Chat to get answers enriched with context from Copilot knowledge bases. To try out this functionality, you’ll need to be running Visual Studio 17.11 Preview 3 or later.

You can access a knowledge base from any Copilot Chat conversation by typing @github, pressing the # key, selecting a knowledge base from the autocomplete, and then entering your question. Copilot will respond, using the Markdown documentation in your knowledge base as context for its answer.

For more details, check out the docs for Copilot Chat in Visual Studio. To try Copilot Chat yourself, download the extension.

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In June, we released a number of improvements to the GitHub Mobile apps, mostly focusing on accessibility and enhancing existing features.


  • You can now navigate to GitHub URLs by pasting them into the search bar on the Home tab. This makes it easier to quickly access repositories, issues, and pull requests from the app.
  • You can hide disruptive comments within GitHub discussions, and have added syntax highlighting for Haskell code snippets.
  • Addressed memory leaks when viewing changed pull request files and pinned repositories on user profiles.
  • Enabled opening draft releases without a tag directly within the app.
  • Displayed line counts next to long file names in pull request files changes navigation.
  • Aligned placeholders in comment views to the inputted text.
  • Improved keyboard navigation in the Explore feed to open selected repositories within the app instead of a web browser.
  • Aligned the account selection chevron next to the username in the Profile for accounts without a display name.
  • Scaled the current account login and display name with Dynamic Type on iPad.
  • Enhanced usability by opening the context menu on the first tap of the context button on comments.
  • Resolved issues causing crashes when viewing GIFs within repository source code.
  • Wrapped long URLs in repository profiles onto multiple lines for better readability.
  • Improved VoiceOver functionality by announcing no search results when searching for favorite repositories.
  • Made project single-select field pickers appear as buttons for assistive technologies.
  • Scaled usernames and repository names within headers in profile views with Dynamic Type.
  • Displayed the review author’s name for dismissed review events in the timeline.
  • Enabled expanding or collapsing security vulnerability reference details using VoiceOver within Copilot Chat code blocks.
  • Implemented an error message display when Copilot chat fails to generate a message.
  • Improved accessibility by announcing the role of reason selectors when sending feedback about a Copilot response.
  • Implemented a flash scroll bar indicator for Copilot suggested messages at large font sizes.


  • Updated the name input dialog in the new file creation flow to alert users when attempting to use unsupported recursive paths.
  • Resolved issue where in-app language preferences were not applied to all sections in the issue or pull request screens.
  • Fixed commit id mismatch after updating a branch in pull request screen.
  • Fixed the accessibility role for comment author badges.
  • Improved color contrast and TalkBack in Home and Repository screens.
  • Improved keyboard shortcuts in Projects and Repository screens.
  • Improved keyboard navigation in the Profile screen.
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GitHub Pages’ legacy pagesworker architecture was shut down on June 30, 2024. In August 2022, GitHub Actions became the default method to build and deploy Pages sites. Branch deployment remains available, but now requires GitHub Actions unless a .nojekyll file is used.

To build a Pages site from a branch with Jekyll, you must enable GitHub Actions in the repository settings. Alternatively, if GitHub Actions is unavailable or disabled, adding a .nojekyll file to the root of your source branch will bypass the Jekyll build process and deploy the content directly. In this case, you would need to build the site yourself and push the static assets to your source branch.

Learn more about GitHub Pages

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Delegated bypass for push protection has expanded to cover pushes from the web file editor. When your organization or repository configures a delegated bypass list for push protection, any commits from the file editor that include secrets will be blocked, and the committer will need to submit a bypass request for review.

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GitHub Actions GPU hosted runners are now generally available for Windows and Linux, providing T4 GPU access to Actions customers.

The GPU hosted runners are fully managed by GitHub, with images managed by trusted partners on the Azure marketplace. They are also compatible with GitHub-hosted runners’ static IPs and private networking capabilities.

Get started

You can begin using GPU hosted runners in your organization or enterprise by:

  1. Setting up new larger runner GPUs through your runner groups
  2. Updating the ‘runs-on’ syntax in your Actions workflow file to call that runner name

More information about setting up, using, and pricing for GPU runners can be found in our documentation on hosted runners.

We’re eager to hear your feedback on these runners. Share your thoughts in our community discussions using this template.

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