Mistral Small 3.1 (25.03) is now generally available in GitHub Models

Mistral Small 3.1 (25.03) release on GitHub Models

Mistral Small 3.1 (25.03) is now available in GitHub Models.

Mistral Small 3.1 (25.03) is a versatile AI model designed to assist with programming, mathematical reasoning, dialogue, and in-depth document comprehension. Equipped with multimodal capabilities, it processes both text and visual inputs, making it suitable for chat-based interactions and instruction-following tasks.

Try, compare, and implement this model in your code for free in the playground or through the GitHub API. Compare it to other models using side-by-side comparisons in GitHub Models.

To learn more about GitHub Models, check out the docs. You can also join our Community discussions.

Issue types can now be managed using the REST API, expanding the ability to automate and incorporate them in your workflows. Check out our documentation on issue types for more details. You can also review the examples below to get started.

Managing issue types for the organization

You can create, update, delete, and list issue types for an organization.

Creating a new issue type:

curl --request POST \
  --url https://api.github.com/orgs/{org}/issue-types \
  --header 'authorization: token <YOUR-TOKEN>' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{
      "name": "Initiative",
      "description": "A large body of work that spans a quarter.",
      "color": "orange",
      "is_enabled": true

Adding an issue type to an issue

You can specify the issue type when creating a new issue, or update it on an existing issue.

Creating a new issue:

curl --request POST \
  --url https://api.github.com/repos/{org}/{repo}/issues \
  --header 'authorization: ' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{
      "title": "Error when refreshing the settings page",
      "type": "Bug"

Updating an issue:

 curl --request PATCH \
  --url https://api.github.com/repos/{org}/{repo}/issues/{issue_number} \
  --header 'authorization: ' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{
      "type": "bug"

Searching for issues by issue type

You can search for issues by issue type at the repository or organization level.

Searching within a repository:

curl --request GET \
  --url 'https://api.github.com/repos/{org}/{repo}/issues?type=bug' \
  --header 'authorization: '

Join the discussion within GitHub Community.

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what’s on the roadmap, and learn more in the documentation.

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Fine-grained Personal Access Tokens (PATs) have been used by millions of users to make tens of billions of API calls over the last two years in public preview. In that time, we’ve added requested features such as management APIs and webhooks, mandatory expiration policies, and usability improvements.

However, feedback has been clear on one item in particular – while fine-grained PATs solve a significant set of challenges in their current state, many organizations cannot fully adopt them due to the lack of support statements and the risk of breaking changes while they’re in public preview. Our goal at GitHub is to ensure that everyone can secure their workflows as best they can, which is why we’re graduating fine-grained PATs to a generally available (GA) state.

Changes with this release

This update brings two major changes to PATs at GitHub. Most notably, fine-grained PATs are now enabled by default for all organizations on GitHub, unless that organization or enterprise explicitly disabled them during the preview. The PAT approval flow is also enabled by default, so developers must request organization owner approval in order to successfully use their fine-grained PAT against their organizations.

We’re also updating the release state for both fine-grained PATs and PAT expiration policies. These features are now fully supported by GitHub and adhere to the same breaking change policies as the rest of the product. While there are some scenarios where fine-grained PATs are not yet supported, your organization should be confident in suggesting, or even requiring, the use of these more secure tokens.

Administrators, auditors, and security teams can also look for improved auditability of PATs – the token_id is now included in all API calls and supported as a built-in filter in the audit logs. With this filter, you can now easily track the use of a token throughout your enterprise or organization.

A screenshot of enterprise audit logs, filtered to a specific token_id

Customers on GHES should expect these changes to arrive in version 3.17.

Feature gaps in fine-grained PATs

There are several scenarios where fine-grained PATs are not a suitable solution at this time. GitHub continues to invest in building more secure access patterns and will implement these capabilities over time. You can track our progress and goals on our public roadmap. The most notable scenarios are:

  • Calling APIs that manage the Enterprise object (e.g. SCIM APIs or creating organizations)
  • Accessing multiple organizations with a single token
  • Contributing to repositories where you’re an outside collaborator or an unaffiliated open source contributor
  • Accessing internal repositories in your enterprise, outside of a targeted organization
  • Calling the Packages and Checks APIs

We’re currently focused on implementing enterprise access for GitHub Apps and fine-grained PATs so that enterprise owners can reduce the over-permissioning of their current automation solutions. After that, we’ll continue to invest in this area with a goal of enabling organizations to eventually disable the use of PATs (Classic) for their resources.

To learn more about fine-grained PATs and how your organization can control them, see our documentation on managing your personal access tokens, and enforcing policies for PATs in your enterprise.

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