Closing down notice: Dependabot will no longer support Python version 3.8

On February 5th, 2025, Dependabot will end support for Python version 3.8, which has reached its end-of-life. If you continue to use Python version 3.8, there’s a risk that Dependabot will not create pull requests to update dependencies. To prevent this from happening, please update to a supported release of Python. As of January 2025, the latest supported release of Python is version 3.13. View Python’s official documentation for more information about supported releases.

Starting January 6, 2025 GitHub-Hosted macOS runner images will be replacing Xcode 16.0 with Xcode 16.2. This change applies to both macOS-14 Intel and ARM64 based runner images. If you rely on Xcode 16.0, upgrade to Xcode 16.1 in order to maintain service continuity in your Actions workflows.

Our support policy for macOS-14 is:
Xcode 15: All minor releases with the full platform tools suite.
Xcode 16: Two minor releases (excluding visionOS tools), following a “last two” principle where the oldest version is replaced by the latest as updates are released. Beta versions are not included.

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We are excited to announce that all paying Copilot customers can now use the technical preview of GitHub Copilot Workspace.

hero image for the copilot workspace technical preview

Copilot Workspace is a Copilot-native development environment designed to help you with everyday tasks, from idea to merge.

Starting from a GitHub Issue or natural language task, you can work with Copilot Workspace to iterate on solving your problem. Together, you can:

  • Brainstorm your ideas: Ask Copilot questions about how your codebase currently works, and explore ideas for how to solve your task.
  • Plan your changes: Leverage Copilot Workspace to generate a comprehensive plan for your code change, surfacing relevant code and describing the changes necessary in each file to achieve your goal.
  • Implement and validate: Let Copilot Workspace propose code changes that you can iterate on and refine in natural language or code. You can even build, run, and test the code directly within Copilot Workspace with a fully functional compute environment provided by GitHub Codespaces before creating a pull request.

Everything that GitHub Copilot Workspace proposes – from the plan to the code – is fully editable, allowing you to rapidly iterate until you’re confident in the change.

To find out more, check out the blog that first launched Copilot Workspace to the world.

Getting Started

Sign up for the technical preview by logging into Copilot Workspace. Please note that Enterprise Managed Users are not eligible for the technical preview.

Once you have access, check out the user manual, or these 5 helpful tips and tricks for getting the most out of Copilot Workspace.

Organization administrators can enable members to use Copilot Workspace with repositories owned by their organization by approving the Copilot Workspace OAuth app for the organization. OAuth app restrictions are enabled by default when new organizations are created, so unless you’ve changed this setting, members of your organization will not have access to Copilot Workspace on organization-owned repositories by default. To enable Copilot Workspace for your organization’s repositories:

You can share any questions, concerns, or ideas in this discussion post. We can’t wait to see what you build!

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