Dependabot updates ceases supporting npm version 6 [Closing Down]

On January 20th, 2025, Dependabot will end support for npm version 6, which has reached its end-of-life. If you continue to use npm version 6, there’s a risk that Dependabot will not create pull requests to update dependencies. In that case, we recommend updating to a supported release of npm. As of December 2024, the newest supported release of npm is version 11. View NPM’s official documentation for more information about supported releases.

The Windows 2025 server image for GitHub Actions hosted runners is now available in public preview. To start using this image in your Actions workflows, update your workflow file to include runs-on: windows-2025.

Please note that the Windows 2025 image has a different list of installed tools and tool versions. See the full list of changed software including differences in the announcement.

If you spot any issues with your workflows when using Windows Server 2025, or if you have feedback on the software installed on the image, please let us know by creating an issue in the runner-images repository. While the runner image is in preview, you may experience longer queue times during peak usage hours.

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The GitHub Models playground now shows your real-time token usage, including both input and output counts, as well as latency information in its responses. The analytics are accessible via the top bar, helping you more efficiently optimize prompts, evaluate model costs, and monitor response times.

Additionally, clicking on the information in the top bar now opens a modal with more details about the token and latency metrics:

Token and latency information in GitHub Models

GitHub Models makes it easy for every developer on GitHub to build AI features and products, with access to top AI models via a playground, API, and more.

To learn more about GitHub Models, check out the docs. You can also join our dedicated community discussion to discuss this update, swap tips, and share feedback.

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