Introducing Focused Notifications

Focused Notifications is now generally available on iOS and Android, helping you focus on the most important updates. Focused Notifications shows you notifications from the past 30 days that are more relevant to you, such as items that you’ve authored, items in which you’ve been directly mentioned, and items to which you’re assigned or you’ve manually subscribed. This helps you stay on top of what matters most while reducing notification noise.

focused notification screenshot on Github mobile

Learn more about GitHub for mobile, download GitHub for iOS today, and send us your feedback to help us improve.

In the coming months, the current interface for managing code security settings for an enterprise will be deprecated and replaced with new and improved code security configurations that will provide you a more consistent and scalable way to manage security settings across repositories within your enterprise.

The current REST API endpoint to enable or disable a security feature for an enterprise is now deprecated. It will continue to work for an additional year in the current version of the REST API before being removed in September of 2025, but note that it may conflict with settings assigned in code security configurations if the configuration is unenforced, potentially resulting in a security configuration being unintentionally removed from a repository. To change the security settings for repositories at the enterprise level, you can use the current enterprise-level security settings UI or the upcoming code security configurations API.

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As of November 6, 2024, Dependabot will no longer support Composer version 1, which has reached its end of life. If you continue to use Composer version 1, there’s a risk that Dependabot will not create pull requests to update dependencies. If this affects you, we recommend updating to a supported release of Composer. As of October 2024, the newest supported release of Composer is 2.8, and the long-term supported version is 2.2. View Composer’s official documentation for more information about supported releases. This will take effect in GHEC as of today and GHES in version 3.16.

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