Sunset Notice – npm Hooks API Endpoints

Starting today, we are deprecating npm hooks services and they might no longer be functional, including current hooks subscriptions. This deprecation includes npm hooks API Endpoints and its related cli npm hook command. Users should expect the API Endpoints to respond with a deprecation message. The npm cli will no longer be able to add new hooks using the npm registry.

The npm hooks services were launched as Beta in 2016 so users could use the endpoints to be notified of changes in the npm packages, owners, or scopes. The service never achieved a full GA maturity. We are sunsetting the hooks services in favor of our ongoing investments for the npm platform, including high quality standards on the maintenance of our other existing services.

Enterprise Owners on GitHub Enterprise Cloud (GHEC) can join a private beta allowing them to configure audit log streaming via the REST API. This private beta grants access to new API endpoints for the following audit log streaming actions:

  • GET Endpoint Configuration: Retrieve the audit log streaming configuration for your Enterprise.
  • Stream Key Endpoint: Provide the customer with an audit streaming key. This key is essential for our customers to encrypt their secrets before sending them via an API call.
  • POST Endpoint: Create new audit log stream configurations.
  • PUT Endpoint: Update existing audit log stream configurations.
  • DELETE Endpoint: Delete existing audit log stream configurations.

With the introduction of these new REST API endpoints, enterprise owners can programmatically create, update, delete and list their Enterprise’s audit log streams. By allowing programmatic updates to the audit log streaming configuration, customers can automate tasks like rotating your audit log streaming secrets.

These new audit log streaming endpoints will impose a rate limit of 15 API requests per hour to protect the availability of the audit log streaming service. For the time being, these endpoints are only accessible via personal access token (PAT) classic and OAuth token with admin:enterprise scope.

Enterprise owners interested in participating in the private beta should reach out to your GitHub account manager or contact our sales team to have this feature enabled for your enterprise. Enterprise owners can follow instructions for these API endpoints, and provide feedback on their experience on our community discussion.

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Organization owners can now grant a user or team access to all of the repositories in their org with a single click. Five new pre-defined roles have been added to the organization settings, under Organization Roles > Role Management, where all organization owners can view and assign them.

Pre-defined roles ship natively with GitHub. We will add more pre-defined roles over time that support common personas like “CI/CD Admin” or “Security Manager”.

A screenshot showing the five new roles in the organization settings

Introducing pre-defined roles and organization-wide repository permissioning

These five new roles showcase an expansion of organization roles – the ability to also include repository-level base roles (like read) and permissions (like close issue). When granted, the recipient has those privileges on all of the repositories in the organization, current and future. While organization owners cannot yet create organization roles that include repository permissions, that will be supported in the coming months.

A screenshot of the Triage role expanded to show the repository permissions included in the role

This new functionality of organization roles helps organizations replace automation that watches for new repository creation and adds the right users or team to every repository.

UI updates to show role assignments

When users and teams are assigned access across all repositories, this is called out in the team and repository view rather than list all of the accesses.

A screenshot showing that this team has access to all of the repositories in the organization. Below it is a listing of the repositories that the team has been given specific access to.

In addition, the Roles Management view in the organization settings has been updated to show indirect assignments – these are roles that a user or team recieves due to a team that they are a member of. This provides a full accounting of all organization roles that a user or team has within the organization.

A screenshot showing a user that has been granted two roles. One is directly assigned, and has a remove button on the right hand side of the row. The other is indirectly assigned via a team named org-member-parent-team, and does not have a remove option.

The APIs for organization role management have been updated to support these pre-defined roles. You’ll find a base_role field in the description of the organization role, which is the repository role (like read) that is included in the organization role.

You can learn more about organization roles at “Using organization roles“.

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