Repository updates June 12th 2024

We’re excited to introduce enhancements to custom properties as well as updates to the push rule public beta.

Custom properties updates!

New property types

  • Multi select allows a repo to have more than one value for a property defined. Now a repository can have a property that defines a compliance requirement with values for FedRamp and SOC2, for example.
  • True/False allows you to set whether a given property is true or false for a given repository.

repository properties with multi select

Target rulesets by repository visibility and more

In addition to targeting repositories with the custom properties you’ve created, we’ve now extended property targeting to include the ability to target by:
Visibility: public, private, or internal
Fork: true, false
Language: select primary repository language.

System property targeting in a ruleset screenshot

Learn more in the custom properties documentation

What do you think? Start a discussion within GitHub Community.

Push rule delegated bypass public beta!

We are expanding on the push rule public beta with a new delegated bypass flow.

Previously to bypass push rules you had to be on the bypass list to push restricted content. Now with delegated bypass, contributors can propose bypassing a push rule and members of the bypass list can review those bypass requests to allow or deny the content.

Learn more about push rule delegated bypass in the repository rules documentation and join the push rule discussion in the GitHub Community.

Delegated bypass screenshot

Until this release, when a manifest file included a version range of a package (e.g. version < 3), when GitHub generated an SBOM for that package, it would not include a package URL (purl). We have improved SBOM generation so that now, when a manifest file references a package in a range, we will include the purl, but not the version field, which is an optional element in the specification. This will result in more complete data than we'd previously generated in the SBOM, helping users more clearly identify the packages being used in their repository.

CodeQL is the static analysis engine that powers GitHub code scanning. CodeQL version 2.17.4 has been released and has now been rolled out to code scanning users on

This changelog combines significant updates from the release of CodeQL 2.17.2,2.17.3, and 2.17.4:

For a full list of changes, please refer to the complete changelog for versions 2.17.2, 2.17.3, and 2.17.4. All new functionality will also be included in GHES 3.14. Users of GHES 3.13 or older can upgrade their CodeQL version.

See more