GitHub Actions: NODE_OPTIONS is now restricted from GITHUB_ENV

Due to security restrictions, users can no longer use GITHUB_ENV to set the NODE_OPTIONS environment variable in their workflows. Developers who have NODE_OPTIONS set as an environment variable will now receive an error: Can't store NODE_OPTIONS output parameter using '$GITHUB_ENV' command.

This change was introduced in actions/runner v2.309.0.
For more information on how to set environment variables, please see our docs here.

Repository rule insights now make finding more details about how someone merged specific code into your repos even easier.

🔍 Filter by status

If you want only to see bypassed rules, you can now filter rule insight by the status of the results.

No more scrolling through and sorting through all the insight activity to find that one bypass situation. You can now filter by All Statuses, Pass, Fail, and Bypass.

Overview of selecting different rule insights status types. And showing the change between pass, fail, and bypass

👀 Clamoring for more insight into your rule insights?

Well, now you have access to way more information, including who ✅ approved and ❌ denied a pull request. As well as having access to the results of all required status checks and deployment status states right in rule insights.

Rule insight instance showing a specific passed status check.

👩‍💻 REST API Endpoint

Want to look for ruleset failures for a specific app programmatically?
With the new REST endpoint, you can now view and query rule insights via your favorite API tools.

Repository Endpoint

All repo insight activity

–  GET{owner}/{repo}/rulesets/rule-suites

Specific insight rule suite for a repository ruleset
–  GET{owner}/{repo}/rulesets/rule-suites/{rule _suite_id}

Organization Endpoint

All org insight activity
–  GET{org}/rulesets/rule-suites

Specific insight rule suite for an organization ruleset
–  GET{org}/rulesets/rule-suites/{rule_suite_id}

Click here to learn more. If you have feedback, please share and let us know in our feedback discussion.

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GitHub secret scanning protects users by searching repositories for known types of secrets such as tokens and private keys. By identifying and flagging these secrets, our scans help prevent data leaks and fraud.

We have partnered with MaxMind to scan for their license keys and help secure our mutual users on public repositories. MaxMind keys allow users to run queries against minFraud®, GeoIP®, and GeoLite services, and download GeoIP and GeoLite databases. GitHub will forward license keys found in public repositories to MaxMind, who will then email the user about the leaked key. You can read more information about MaxMind keys here.

All users can scan for and block MaxMind keys from entering their public repositories for free with push protection. GitHub Advanced Security customers can also scan for and block MaxMind keys in their private repositories.

Learn more about secret scanning
Partner with GitHub on secret scanning

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