Updated IP ranges for GitHub Enterprise Importer

We're making changes to the IP addresses used by GitHub Enterprise Importer for outbound network connections. These changes will take affect at 00:00 UTC on September 18, 2023.

If you're running migrations with GitHub Enterprise Importer and you have IP allowlisting enabled on your migration source or target, or an Azure Blob Storage or Amazon S3 account which you use for migrations, then you'll need to update your allow list.

For a full list of our IP ranges and more information, see "Configuring IP allow lists for migrations" in the GitHub Docs (https://docs.github.com/en/migrations/using-github-enterprise-importer/preparing-to-migrate-with-github-enterprise-importer/managing-access-for-github-enterprise-importer#configuring-ip-allow-lists-for-migrations).

Owners of organizations affected by this change were already sent an email notification on August 18, 2023, providing 30 days' notice.

Users with two-factor authentication enabled can now begin the account recovery process from the password reset flow. Previously, the account password was needed to access 2FA account recovery, but passwords on 2FA-enabled accounts could only be reset with a valid second factor. If you lost your password and all of your second factors, you were locked out because you could not access account recovery. With this change, a user can recover their account as long as they can perform email verification and provide a recovery factor, such as an SSH key, PAT, or previously signed in device.

Once you have performed email verification and provided a recovery factor, your recovery will be manually reviewed by GitHub's support team, who will email you within three business days. If your request is approved, you'll receive a link that lets you disable 2FA on your account. After that, you can reset your password and regain access to your account.

For more information about two-factor authentication, see "About two-factor authentication". For account recovery details, see "Recovering your account if you lose your 2FA credentials".

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In today’s update, we’re showing some love to our Copilot for Business admins with the release of the Copilot settings redesign and audit log integration!

💅🏻 Copilot for Business settings update

We’ve updated the Copilot for Business admin experience to provide an overview of important information and streamline the seat purchasing flow for Copilot. Quickly review the Copilot seats assigned and estimated charges at the top of the page, update your assignment settings without having to remember to hit a Save button, and verify the update to your bill when adding or removing users and teams.

Updated Copilot Overview settings page with seats assigned, estimated bill, and seat assignment

🪵 Review Copilot updates with audit log integration

Tracing updates to settings or seat assignments is key to help admins troubleshoot unexpected behavior within their organizations. Until now, admins had to contact support to help understand changes but as of today, they can now review Copilot events by using the GitHub Audit Log. To ensure administrators can quickly review Copilot updates, we included a new filter titled “Copilot Activity”. Understand settings changes, policy updates, and seat addition/removals right from the Audit Log UI in your organization settings.

Copilot filter selected in the audit log and the log showing Copilot events

Questions, suggestions, or ideas?

Join the conversation in the Copilot community discussion. We’d love to hear from you!

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