GitHub is now PCI DSS v4.0 compliant with our 4.0 service provider attestation available to customers

GitHub’s Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) v4.0 service provider Attestation of Compliance (AoC) as well as the corresponding shared responsibility matrix has been completed. This report is the first time GitHub has provided a PCI DSS service provider report for our customers. This enables customers to meet their own PCI DSS compliance needs using GitHub as part of their development environment.

Going forward, GitHub intends to provide this attestation of compliance each year.

If you’re an Enterprise customer and need to obtain copies of GitHub’s AoC or Shared Responsibility Matrix, please reach out to your account manager.

Performance Metrics for GitHub Actions are now generally available for repositories and organizations. Repository members can view workflow and job performance data including queue times and failure rates going back as far as one year. Organization members can also view this data aggregated across all repositories in their organization. These metrics are available on all GitHub Cloud plans.

In addition, usage and performance metrics aggregated at the Enterprise level are now available in public preview to Enterprise admins. This includes usage metrics (ex. jobs run and minutes used), as well as performance metrics (ex. job failure rates and queue times) across all repositories and organizations in an enterprise. These metrics can be found in the Enterprise UI under the “Insights” tab.

Screenshot of Enterprise Actions usage metrics in the Enterprise Admin UI

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Developers can now use Dependabot to automatically keep their uv dependencies up to date. For projects that use uv as a package manager, Dependabot version updates can now ensure dependencies stay current with the latest releases.

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