GitHub Actions – Sharing actions and reusable workflows from private repositories is now GA

The actions and reusable workflows from private repositories can now be shared with other private repositories within the same organization, user account, or enterprise.
See managing the repository settings and managing the enterprise repository settings to allow access to workflows in other repositories.

We have also added the API support to configure Actions share policy. Refer to API support or API support for Enterprise for more details.

Learn more about Sharing actions and workflows from your private repository, Sharing actions and workflows with your organization, and Sharing Actions and workflows with your enterprise.

Enterprises with GitHub Advanced Security can now enable secret scanning and push protection on all their organizations using a single call to an enterprise-level REST API endpoint.

You can also use the enterprise API to set a default custom link that will appear on a push protection block.

This new endpoint supplements the existing enterprise enablement settings in the UI and the repository-level and organization-level REST API enablement endpoints.

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