Webhook forwarding in the GitHub CLI (public beta)

We've launched a limited public beta of a new feature in the GitHub CLI: webhook forwarding.

Webhook forwarding makes it easy to test your webhooks integration in your local environment without having to worry about port forwarding.

All it takes to start receiving webhooks locally is one simple command:

gh webhook forward --repo monalisa/hello-world --events issues,pull_request --url http://localhost:4000/webhooks

With webhook forwarding, you can iterate quickly on your integration without having to deploy your code to a test environment.

To request access to the beta program, post in our GitHub Community discussion. We add new beta users on a regular basis. Once you've been added, you will receive an email at the address registered on your GitHub account.

For more details on this new feature, head over to the docs – see "Receiving webhooks with the GitHub CLI".

Banner announcing edit files in pull requests feature for GitHub for iOS

Introducing file editing from repositories on GitHub for iOS! Commit changes to code within your repo, create new branches and put up a new pull request to land those quick changes on-the-go!

File editing for pull requests and Browse Code on GitHub for Android is coming soon.

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