Introducing fine-grained personal access tokens

Today we're enabling fine-grained personal access tokens (PATs) in Public Beta for all user accounts on This new type of token gives developers and resource owners more control and visibility around token access. Learn more about this new token type in today's blog post.

These new tokens offer many more permissions to choose from, must be scoped to a specific organization or account, and must expire. Organization owners will also find new tools to manage tokens that can access their organization, and can require approval of those tokens before they may be used.


You can try out the new token creation flow, and provide feedback in our community discussion.

For more information, see "Creating a fine-grained personal access token".

GitHub will regularly run a historical scan to detect newly added secret types on repositories with GitHub Advanced Security and secret scanning enabled.

Previously, customers could manually trigger a historical scan to detect new secret types by re-enabling secret scanning, e.g. clicking "Enable all" at the organization level. Now, historical scans are automatic; customers can expect an email of any new detections in their repositories, just like they would when first enabling secret scanning today.

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The new Scheduled Reminders UI

We made significant enhancements to schedule reminders experience in GitHub app for Microsoft Teams.

  • We have introduced a first class UI to configure your pending pull request reminders. And as part of this UI, we added a bunch of advanced controls that will help you in fine tuning your reminders.
  • We relaxed the administrator requirement to configure reminders. Now, any contributor can schedule reminders in MS Teams for the repositories he/she has access.

This will ensure you get reminders for the pull request that need your attention and there is no unnecessary noise in the channel.
Learn more about schedule reminders here.

Issue card updates

We made few more improvements to the issue notifications experience.

  • Introduced issue comment, close/reopen capabilities in GitHub personal app.
  • Made few updates to the look and feel of the GitHub issue notification card.

For more information visit the GitHub app guidance for Microsoft Teams.

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