Organization-level APIs for Codespaces

We recently released a set of organization-level APIs (in beta) to enable administrators to programmatically manage their organization-owned codespaces at scale. Today we're releasing support for additional organization-level APIs based on the feedback that you shared with us. With this release, we've added support for the following REST API commands:

  • Manage organization-level codespaces secrets
    • List organization secrets
    • Get an organization public key
    • Get an organization secret
    • Create or update an organization secret
    • Delete an organization secret
    • List selected repositories for an organization secret
    • Set selected repositories for an organization secret
    • Add selected repository to an organization secret
    • Remove selected repository from an organization secret
  • Manage access control for organization-owned codespaces
    • Enable Codespaces for all members of the organization
    • Enable Codespaces for select members of the organization
    • Enable Codespaces for all members and outside collaborators of the organization
    • Disable Codespaces for the organization

Organization-level APIs are in beta for GitHub Team and Enterprise Cloud plans. Here are links to our documentation to get started:

If you have any feedback to help improve this experience, be sure to post it on our discussions forum.

Actions runner support for Windows ARM hardware, is now in public beta . This provides teams with the capability to run self-hosted Windows workflows in a Windows ARM64 runtime.

There are some limitations of the current beta product to be aware of:

  • Windows ARM runners are currently using nodejs's "unofficial" win-arm64 builds
  • Some first party actions will not work until a win-arm64 version of that language is released:
    • setup-node
    • Some first party actions don't support the arm64 architecture:
    • setup-python -issue tracking it here

For additional information on how to set up a self-hosted Windows ARM64 runner, please refer to our documentation. If you have any feedback or questions for Actions self-hosted Windows ARM support, you can submit an issue in the runner repository.

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Previously, we announced the ability for enterprise owners to limit where private and internal repository forks can be created. We heard from some customers that they need a more granular control over fork permissions for each organization within the enterprise.

Now, we've added the ability for enterprise organization admins to set fork policy at the organization level, further restricting enterprise policy. Forking can be limited to organizations within the enterprise, within the same organization, user accounts and organization within the enterprise, user accounts, or everywhere. Fork policies cascade from the enterprise policy to organization policy to repository policy. Enterprise policies dictate the policy options available for organizations, i.e. an organization admin can only set a more restrictive forking policy than the enterprise allows.

Screenshot of organization fork policy settings

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