GitHub for iOS: Edit files in pull requests

Banner announcing edit files in pull requests feature for GitHub for iOS

Introducing “Edit File” within pull requests on GitHub for iOS! Make quick updates to existing pull requests to fix those pesky typos or add that missing method before merging.

File editing for pull requests within GitHub for Android is coming later this year.

When GitHub creates merge commits, like to test whether a pull request can be merged cleanly or to actually merge a pull request, it now uses the merge-ort strategy. merge-ort is a relatively new Git merge strategy that is significantly faster (for example, complex merge commits that previously took 5 or more seconds to create are now created in less than 200 milliseconds) and addresses subtle correctness issues found in the merge-recursive strategy. And because merge-ort is the default merge strategy in the latest releases of Git, merge results are now more predictable and consistent between your local machine and GitHub.

Learn more about the Git merge-ort strategy and merge methods for pull requests.

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GitHub's audit log allows admins to quickly review the actions performed by members of their Enterprise. It includes details such as who performed the action, what the action was, and when it was performed. To ensure the audit log can be used as an effective security and compliance tool, GitHub is constantly evaluating new audit log events and ensuring those events have the necessary fields to provide meaningful context. GitHub has made the following enhancements to the Enterprise audit logs:

  • business.sso_response and org.sso_response events will be displayed in the REST API and audit log streaming payloads for GitHub Enterprise Cloud (GHEC) and GitHub Enterprise Server (GHES) version 3.8 or later.
  • repo.rename, project.rename, and protected_branch.update_name events will now include the old_name field make clear the current and past name of renamed repos, projects, and protected branches.

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