False-alert flags will appear in users security log due to a bug in 2FA recovery events

Users with 2FA enabled may see false-alert flags in their security log for recovery_code_regenerated events between July 15 and August 11, 2022.
These events were improperly emitted during an upgrade to the 2FA platform. The storage format of the per-user value GitHub uses to generate your recovery codes was updated, causing the watch job to trigger the erroneous recovery_code_regenerated event.

No action is required from impacted users with regards to these events. GitHub has a policy to not delete security log events, even ones generated in error. For this reason, we are adding flags to signal that these events are false-alerts. No recovery codes were regenerated, and your existing saved recovery codes are still valid.


Today’s Changelog brings improved date filtering and the command palette (beta) to Projects!

📆 Date filter improvements

We’ve improved filters so you can use relative offsets for dates and iterations. Try it out by adding date:@today+7 or iteration:@current+2 to the filter bar.

🎨 Command palette (beta)

The command palette is now available in Projects as a beta release and includes project-specific commands.

With this update, the command palette enables users to navigate Repos and Projects and search for Issues and PRs across GitHub directly from Projects.

Quickly access commands related to the project you’re viewing:

Screenshot of the command palette with project-specific commands displayed. Commands shown are added items, filter by, group by, manage fields, and navigate to.

Or search and navigate throughout GitHub directly from a project:

Screenshot of command palette with search commands displayed. Navigation commands allow users to visit an org, repos, packages, people, teams.

✨ Bug fixes & improvements

Other changes include:

  • Ability to clear selection in the date picker
  • Provide a keyboard shortcut (cmd+s/ctrl+s) to save a project view
  • Visible highlighted row selection when deleting/archiving items

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what’s on the roadmap, and learn more in the docs.

See more

GitHub Packages is being re-platformed, unlocking great capabilities such as fine-grained permissions, org-level publishing and increased performance.

Package registries on the new GitHub Packages architecture, including container registry and npm packages, no longer expose data through the GraphQL API. We recommend using the REST API instead.

In the coming months we will be migrating our other GitHub Package registries to this new architecture deprecating the GraphQL API for those registries as well.

If you have any questions, please contact GitHub Support.

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