Expand code lines while you are reviewing a pull request on GitHub Mobile

Expanding code lines

While you're reviewing a pull request on mobile, you can now gather more context by expanding collapsed lines of code in a changed file.

Read more about GitHub Mobile and send us your feedback to help us improve.

Dependabot alerts now show all affected files if your repository code is calling known vulnerable functions from the dependency’s vulnerability. Previously, we only highlighted one of these matches on an alert’s detail page, but now users can view all affected files.

This feature supports our public beta of exposure detection for Python alerts. After beta testing with Python we will add support for other ecosystems. Keep an eye on the public roadmap for more information.

For more information, see our product documentation.

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Enterprise administrators can now view a quick summary of the members associated with their enterprise on the enterprise account's member's page: https://github.com/enterprises/<enterprise>/people. This new summary section breaks down user counts across roles, licenses, and deployments applicable to your enterprise.

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