Improved focus indicators for keyboard navigation

Interactive UI elements with a blue focus indicator outline

Interactive elements such as links and buttons now show a visible outline when focused with a keyboard, helping you find your position on a page. In addition, form fields now have a higher-contrast outline when focused.

Animated gif of a customer using their keyboard to navigate a pull request, interactive UI elements receive a blue focus outline to show current location on the page. Key presses are shown in the bottom center of the image.

On March 30, 2022, we released CodeQL Action v2, which runs on the Node.js 16 runtime. The CodeQL Action v1 will be deprecated at the same time as GHES 3.3, which is currently scheduled for January 2023.

How does this affect me?

Users of, GitHub AE, and GitHub Enterprise Server 3.5 (and later)

All users of GitHub code scanning (which by default uses the CodeQL analysis engine) on GitHub Actions on the following platforms should update their workflow files:

  • (including open source repositories, users of GitHub Teams and GitHub Enterprise Cloud)
  • GitHub AE
  • GitHub Enterprise Server (GHES) 3.5 and later

Users of the above-mentioned platforms should update their CodeQL workflow file(s) to refer to the new v2 version of the CodeQL Action.

Users of GitHub Enterprise Server 3.4 (and older)

Users of GitHub Enterprise Server 3.4 (and older) are not recommended to update their configuration to use the v2 version of the CodeQL Action:

  • GHES 3.3 (and older) does not support running Actions using the Node 16 runtime and is therefore unable to run the v2 version of the CodeQL Action. Please upgrade to a newer version of GitHub Enterprise Server prior to changing your CodeQL Action workflow files.
  • While GHES 3.4 does support Node 16 Actions, it does not ship with v2 of the CodeQL Action. Users who want to migrate to v2 on GHES 3.4 should request that their system administrator enables GitHub Connect to download v2 onto GHES before updating their workflow files.

The upcoming release of GitHub Enterprise Server 3.5 will ship with v2 of the CodeQL Action included.

Exactly what do I need to change?

To upgrade to the CodeQL Action v2, open your CodeQL workflow file(s) in the .github directory of your repository and look for references to:

  • github/codeql-action/init@v1
  • github/codeql-action/autobuild@v1
  • github/codeql-action/analyze@v1
  • github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v1

These entries need to be replaced with their v2 equivalents:

  • github/codeql-action/init@v2
  • github/codeql-action/autobuild@v2
  • github/codeql-action/analyze@v2
  • github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v2

Can I use Dependabot to help me with this upgrade?

Yes, you can! For more details on how to configure Dependabot to automatically upgrade your Actions dependencies, please see this page.

What happens in January 2023?

In January 2023, the CodeQL Action v1 will be officially deprecated (at the same time as the GHES 3.3 deprecation). At that point, no new updates will be made to v1, which means that new CodeQL analysis capabilities will only be available to users of v2. We will keep a close eye on the migration progress across GitHub. If many workflow files still refer to v1 of the CodeQL Action we might consider scheduling one or more brownout moments later in the year to increase awareness.

See more

GitHub Desktop 3.0 is bringing a closer integration with GitHub pull request workflows.

  • Real-time desktop notifications:
    • Pull Request Reviews: You know right away when your PR is approved, you need to make changes, or someone provided you with a feedback.
    • Pull Request Check Run Failures: You know as soon as your checks fail so you can quickly get them resolved and your PR ready for review.
  • Improved interaction for your pull request's checks:
    • Improved UX for rerunning checks
    • Ability to rerun failed GitHub Action checks
    • Ability to rerun individual GitHub Actions checks

Learn more about GitHub Desktop

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