All repositories are labeled public, private, or internal

Public repositories now have a public label next to their names like private and internal repositories do.

Previously, repositories had a label next to their name that indicated if they were private or internal, but there was no label if they were public. This led to people not recognizing that a repository was public and accidentally committing private code to it. Now, public repositories have a public label next to their name like private and internal repositories do.


Learn more about repository visibility.

GitHub Secret Scanning helps protect users by searching repositories for known types of secrets. By flagging leaked secrets, our scans can prevent data leaks and fraudulent uses of secrets that were committed accidentally. is a cloud-based global payments platform that empowers brands like Adidas, Samsung, and Wise with digital payments built for speed and scale. alerts customers and their account managers of any suspected credential compromise based on notifications from GitHub.

FullStory's Digital Experience Intelligence platform helps companies answer questions about their digital experience by transforming digital interactions across websites and mobile apps into actionable metrics. If a token is exposed, FullStory will notify the developer at risk. For more information on protecting and rotating your FullStory tokens, please refer to their documentation.

We partnered with and FullStory to scan for their API tokens to help keep all of our mutual developers and customers secure. We continue to welcome new partners for public repo secret scanning. In addition, GitHub Advanced Security customers can also scan their private repositories for leaked secrets.

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Today, we are releasing version 8 of the npm CLI. A Semver-Major release of the CLI allows us to drop support for Node.js 10, making it easier for us to maintain npm through the LTS life cycle of Node.js 16.

With this change, most customers will automatically get the update when updating Node.js, and version 8 will be the default version installed when you run npm i -g npm. If you’re interested in reading more about this change, check out this breaking changes issue.

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