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GitHub App user-to-server REST API requests now have read access to public resources

API requests made by a GitHub App on behalf of a user that has authorized the app are known as user-to-server requests.

The resources that can be accessed by these requests are constrained to the set of private resources that both the App and the authorizing user can access.

GitHub is now extending this access model, allowing user-to-server requests to also read public resources over the REST API. This includes, for example, the ability to list a public repository's issues and pull requests, and to access a public repository's comments and content.

Read more about authorizing GitHub Apps.

If you use notifications on GitHub Mobile, you've probably had the frustrating experience of tapping on a notification only to end up in the wrong place on the timeline, unsure of exactly what triggered the notification and where to start reading. We've improved this experience so that notifications and other app deep links will scroll you to the correct place. Triaging notifications on the go should now feel much faster and reliable!

Read more about GitHub Mobile and send us your feedback to help us improve.

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