Unless a specific time is provided, Dependabot version updates run at 5AM UTC daily, weekly, or monthly; however, this results in large usage spikes that slow down updates for everyone.
Starting today, we no longer schedule unspecified updates at the same time. Instead, each repository is assigned a time at random, and all updates in that repository will start at that time. If you want to specify a different time for updates to begin, you can use the schedule.time
and schedule.timezone
properties on each update.
As an example, this config resets the /frontend/package.json
to run at 5AM UTC, while specifying /backend/package.json
to run at 13:30 Pacific:
- package-ecosystem: "npm"
directory: "/frontend"
interval: "daily"
time: "05:00"
timezone: "UTC"
- package-ecosystem: "npm"
directory: "/backend"
interval: "daily"
time: "13:30"
timezone: "America/Los_Angeles"
Learn more about configuring schedules for Dependabot version updates.
To see what's next for Dependabot, visit the public roadmap.