Audit Log Git events and REST API now available in limited public beta

In GitHub Enterprise Cloud, the Audit Log now includes Git events and has a new REST API. Both are available as a limited public beta. The new Git events will allow you as an administrator to review activities for users interacting with your Git repositories. You can view events for git.clone, git.fetch, and git.push. Additionally, the new REST API provides you with another option to interface with your Audit Log events. During the limited public beta, Git events can only be viewed via the REST API and can be exported.

How can you get access to this limited public beta? To be added to the limited public beta, please contact Sales or Support.

GitHub Actions can now generate a visual graph of your workflow on every run. With workflow visualization, you can

  • view and understand complex workflows
  • track progress of workflows in real-time
  • troubleshoot runs quickly by easily accessing logs and jobs metadata
  • monitor progress of deployment jobs and easily access deployment targets

Workflow visualization for GitHub Actions is now available in a public beta. To view a visual graph of your workflow, simply navigate to the workflow home page and select the run for which you will like to see the graph.

graph example of a workflow run

For questions, visit the GitHub Actions community

To see what's next for Actions, visit our public roadmap

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