New npm documentation site

Along with the release of version 7 of the npm CLI, we have updated the npm documentation site to add the documentation for the new release. In addition, we've made a number of user experience improvements to help you find what you're looking for.

  • Improved navigation: each page has site navigation on the left, and navigation of topics within the page on the right.
  • Search: the documentation contents are indexed and searchable at the top of each page.
  • Responsive design: when visiting the documentation site in a mobile device, these navigation elements move into menus.
  • Multiple versions of CLI documentation: documentation is available for both npm CLI v6 and v7; you can choose the version with the version picker dropdown on a CLI documentation page.

Screen shot of in a graphical web browser

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The Packages NuGet service now normalizes versions numbers on publish. An invalid semantic version (ex. v1. is not downloadable by NuGet clients and therefore a NuGet service is expected to normalize those versions (ex. v1. –> v1.0.0). Any original, non-normalized, version will be available in the verbatimVersion field. No changes to client configurations are required.

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You can now use the --api-key command line option for publishing NuGet packages. This change allows you to pass your authentication token directly instead of storing it in the nuget.config file. This feature is available for all plans.

    - name: Publish
      run: |
        dotnet nuget push "*.nupkg" \
          --api-key ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} \
          --source${{ github.repository_owner }}

Learn more about NuGet and GitHub Packages.

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