Convert pull request to draft

Previously, you could only create a draft pull request when opening a new pull request. Now you can convert an existing pull request into a draft at any time.

Here are a few scenarios where this feature enhancement is useful:

  • if a pull request was opened in a non-draft state by mistake.
  • when a pull request is reviewed and needs additional work; converting the pull request to a draft communicates the pull request is being updated.
  • when a pull request is reviewed and approved but the author wants to block merge for other reasons.

Any user with write access to the repository can convert a pull request to a draft pull request.

To convert a pull request to a draft, look for the “Convert to draft” link in the Reviewers section on the pull request’s Conversations tab. Clicking the link displays a modal asking you to confirm the change.

Note, if you convert a pull request to a draft, users who are subscribed to the pull request will remain subscribed.

Learn more about draft pull requests and send us your feedback

GitHub expanded license management is now in beta. GitHub Enterprise Server customers are now able to access their Enterprise Server licenses on GitHub. Locating the improved license management experience on GitHub removes friction for our clients by providing better support for billing and organization managers.

You can:

  • Download enterprise server licenses 
  • View consumed user licenses
  • Access sales form to purchase more licenses
  • View current billing, invoices, and history of payments 
  • Upload support bundle
  • Submit support tickets via Enterprise Support Portal
  • Access documentation for the latest release of GitHub Enterprise Server

We plan to add much more functionality and improve billing experience. We’re eager to hear your feedback.

See more