Public events API delayed by five minutes

The public events API is now delayed by five minutes. As a result, when you query the API, the most recent event returned will have occurred at least five minutes ago. The API is otherwise unchanged and continues to support pagination and fetching of up to 300 events. No other events APIs are affected and they will continue to deliver events in real time.

If you are using a known-compromised password found in the database, you will be prompted to change your password after login or any other time you provide GitHub your password. Additionally, you will not be able to create or update an account with a known-compromised password.

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Previously, if you wanted to use GitHub to remove files from a pull request, you’d need to switch to the pull request branch and look for the individual file to delete it. Now, if you have write permission, you can click on the ‘trash’ icon for a file right in the pull request’s “Files changed” view to make a commit and remove it. For more info on deleting files, check out our documentation.

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