Organization-level temporary interaction limits

Since last May repository admins have been able to activate temporary interaction limits to force a cooldown period during heated discussions. Admins can limit comments, reviews, or the creation of pull requests and open issues to existing users, collaborators, or prior contributors.

For larger communities, discussions may span multiple repositories. Organization admins can now activate temporary interaction limits across all of an organization’s public repositories with a single toggle found in the new “Moderation” section of the organization’s settings page. Additionally, while active, repository and organization admins will see a banner across affected repositories indicating that the restriction is in effect.

For more information, see the organization-level temporary interaction limits documentation.

You can now use the global index search to find apps that are listed on the GitHub Marketplace. We have also added a new search type for marketplace objects. Here’s an example of how this works. These new set of items will be added to the search API in the coming weeks.

This feature is available for the Developer, Team, and Business Cloud plans.

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You can now view apps listed from the GitHub Marketplace on the Explore page as well as topic pages. We made this improvement to help users find the tools they need as they are exploring on GitHub. With this improvement, categories from the GitHub Marketplace are now referenced as topics. Here’s an example of what this looks like.

These new set of items will be added to the topics API in the coming weeks. This feature is available for the Developer, Team, and Business Cloud plans.

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