Chris speaking at LessConf 3010
LessConf is a conference about startups, design, marketing, business, and more taking place in Atlanta, Georgia on May 21-22, 2010. I’ll be speaking alongside DHH, Jason Fried, and other greats.…

LessConf is a conference about startups, design, marketing, business, and more taking place in Atlanta, Georgia on May 21-22, 2010. I’ll be speaking alongside DHH, Jason Fried, and other greats.…
GitHub is coming to a city near you! mojombo, schacon, and I will be driving from New York to Columbia, SC (for POSSCON), stopping at a few fine cities along…
Both Scott Chacon and Chris Wanstrath (me!) will be at POSSCON this year. I’ll be talking on April 16th and Scott will be giving a Git tutorial on April 17th.…
Our very own international man of mystery Scott Chacon has been blogging some great blogs over at the Pro Git site recently: Undoing Merges Smart HTTP Transport Rerere Your Boat…
This is just great: NCSA Mosaic on GitHub at http://github.com/alandipert/ncsa-mosaic. img http://img.skitch.com/20100308-pw11fgabs4ukqf89c29dy6wipn.png http://github.com/alandipert/ncsa-mosaic This now joins the Quake source as one of my favorite old school projects. (Hat tip flangy)
CoffeeScript (.coffee) LotteryDraw: { play: -> result: LotteryTicket.new_random() winners: {} this.tickets.each (buyer, ticket_list) -> ticket_list.each (ticket) -> score: ticket.score(result) return if score is 0 winners[buyer] ||= [] winners[buyer].push([ticket, score]) this.tickets:…
@NV has ported ucnv’s Diff for Gist Greasemonkey script to a Chrome Extension. img http://img.skitch.com/20100127-nxct1q4y315uwen8nr6w896upk.png http://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/ekibhngllckenihijddjkmehiocljcpc Pretty cool – I’ve been using it since I first saw it. And if…
This week @kneath and I (with some help from The Changelog) rolled out Explore GitHub – a new page showing trending repositories, repositories recently featured on The Changelog, and recent…
In Paris? Our very own Scott Chacon, author of Pro Git and internationally renowned Git expert, will be teaching a Git class on February 18th, 2010. img http://img.skitch.com/20100121-gamhsjqj25xjwqxx9heneiatu6.jpg http://trainings.sensiolabs.com/en/training/git Check…
@raphaelstolt shows how to close GitHub Issues using PHPUnit in his blog post, Closing and reopening GitHub issues via PHPUnit tests The secret? Implementing GitHub_TicketListener. img http://img.skitch.com/20100120-er3nuye656kk77pd83wibtudw4.png http://raphaelstolt.blogspot.com/2010/01/closing-and-reopening-github-issues-via.html Check the…
Know someone who could use a clear, hands-on introduction to GitHub? @nettuts has them covered. img http://img.skitch.com/20100118-mbutj6e8irbau8ms7uach741i1.png http://net.tutsplus.com/videos/screencasts/terminal-git-and-github-for-the-rest-of-us-screencast Their Terminal, Git, and GitHub for the Rest of U (which compliments…
TinyMCE, an HTML WYSIWYG editor written in JavaScript, has moved to GitHub: http://github.com/tinymce img http://img.skitch.com/20100115-m19rkf3wb3panm2fhnw5gb6h9u.png http://github.com/tinymce Their announcement lists the main reasons they chose GitHub: Community Speed Ease of access…
This is pretty great: Gordon is an open source Flash implementation in JavaScript by @tobeytailor. Demos: http://paulirish.com/work/gordon/demos/ img http://img.skitch.com/20100113-gc3h7hwadx1wdqn4pb6rhbjk8p.png http://paulirish.com/work/gordon/demos It even works on the iPhone: http://twitpic.com/xxmi2 I can’t wait…
@joshthecoder said, “It’d be great to jump to a random repository on GitHub. Like the “Random article” feature on Wikipedia.” I said, “Yes, it would.” Tada: Random Repository Drag that…
Ruby has Gemcutter, Python has Pypi, and now PHP has Pearhub! img http://img.skitch.com/20100108-j2gtgapb9a1s11fqeukw6tqfdt.png http://pearhub.org Whether your project is hosted on GitHub or somewhere else, Pearhub makes it easy to publish.…
“Hey, why isn’t anyone working this week?!” Actually, they’re working hard. It’s the Service Hooks that took the week off. 37signals released a Campfire API which requires you to provide…