New Languages Highlighted
CoffeeScript (.coffee) LotteryDraw: { play: -> result: LotteryTicket.new_random() winners: {} (buyer, ticket_list) -> ticket_list.each (ticket) -> score: ticket.score(result) return if score is 0 winners[buyer] ||= [] winners[buyer].push([ticket, score])…
CoffeeScript (.coffee)
LotteryDraw: {
play: ->
result: LotteryTicket.new_random()
winners: {} (buyer, ticket_list) ->
ticket_list.each (ticket) ->
score: ticket.score(result)
return if score is 0
winners[buyer] ||= []
winners[buyer].push([ticket, score]) {}
Objective-J (.j)
+ (id)boxEnclosingView:(CPView)aView
var box = [[self alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMakeZero()],
enclosingView = [aView superview];
[box setFrameFromContentFrame:[aView frame]];
[enclosingView replaceSubview:aView with:box];
[box setContentView:aView];
return box;
Haml (.haml)
%h1= @article.title
%div= @article.body
#id[@article] id
.class[@article] class
#id.class[@article] id class
%div{:class => "article full"}[@article]= "boo"
%div{'class' => "article full"}[@article]= "moo"
%div.articleFull[@article]= "foo"
Sass (.sass)
:width 15em
:color #0000ff
:style dotted
/* Nested comment
More nested stuff */
:width 2px
:width 100px
:size 2em
:weight bold
:float left
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