Notice of upcoming deprecations and breaking changes for GitHub Actions
Notice of upcoming deprecations and breaking changes for GitHub Actions
Notice of upcoming deprecations and breaking changes for GitHub Actions
Deprecation of real-time GitHub Actions workflow job events in Slack and Microsoft Teams apps
Deprecation notice: GitHub Pages actions to require artifacts actions v4 on GitHub.com
Deprecation – Dependabot no longer supports Composer v1
Deprecation notice – Dependabot will no longer support Composer v1
Deprecation – Dependabot no longer supports Bundler v1
Notice of upcoming deprecations and changes in GitHub Actions services
Deprecation notice: Dependabot dropping support for Bundler v1
Notice of upcoming deprecations and breaking changes in GitHub Actions runners
Deprecation of enum field “detached” from the “get repositories associated with a code security configuration” endpoint
Deprecation of API endpoint to enable or disable a security feature for an organization
New dates for Actions larger runner multi-label deprecation
Deprecation – security advisories in private repositories
Updates to GitHub Importer and the deprecation of the Source Import REST API Endpoint
GitHub-hosted runner images deprecation notice: Docker Compose v1
Deprecation notice: v1 and v2 of the artifact actions
Upcoming Deprecation of Organization Insights Activity Overview beta
As of February 15th, 2024, you will no longer be able to create security advisories in private repositories. Formerly published advisories will no longer be available. This change does not…
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