Deprecation notice: Dependabot dropping support for Bundler v1

As of October 7, 2024, Dependabot will no longer support Bundler version 1, which has reached its end-of-life. If you continue to use Bundler version 1, there’s a risk that Dependabot will not create pull requests to update dependencies. If this affects you, we recommend updating to a supported release of Bundler. As of September 2024, the newest supported version of Bundler is 2.5. View Bundler’s official support policies for more information about supported releases.

The pull request commits page has been refreshed to improve performance, improve consistency with other pages, and to make the experience more accessible!

Screenshot of the updated PR commits page showing a list of commits for a PR

To minimize disruptions, the capabilities of the classic commits page have been maintained, with a few exceptions: you can now use arrow keys to navigate the list of commits (instead of j and k) and focus indicators have been improved for better visual distinction.

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To switch back to the classic commits page, disable the “New Pull Request Commits Experience” feature preview (learn more).


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You can now use Copilot Chat in to search across GitHub to find and learn more about GitHub Advanced Security Alerts from code scanning, secret scanning, and Dependabot. This change helps you to better understand and seamlessly fix security alerts in your pull request. ✨

Try it yourself by asking questions like:
– How would I fix this alert?
– How many alerts do I have on this PR?
– What class is this code scanning alert referencing?
– What library is affected by this Dependabot alert?
– What security alerts do I have in this repository?

Learn more about asking questions in Copilot Chat on or about GitHub Advanced Security.

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