GitHub India Virtual Meetup – Open Source & Hacktoberfest

The developer community in India is thriving and growing. There’s lots of developers, open source maintainers, and contributors. Here at GitHub India, we’re excited to announce our next Virtual Meetup…

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The developer community in India is thriving and growing. There’s lots of developers, open source maintainers, and contributors. Here at GitHub India, we’re excited to announce our next Virtual Meetup talking about Open Source & Hacktoberfest. The meetup will happen on Tuesday, October 6th, 6.30 PM IST to 8 PM IST.

Come learn about contributing to Open Source, growing your contributors community and participating in Hacktoberfest!

MV Karan, the Developer Relations for GitHub India will be your event host. During the event, he’ll walk us through some of the newest GitHub features, and how they can help productivity in your work.

What to expect at the GitHub India meetup

We have some amazing special guests joining us for the India Virtual Meetup. Here’s the schedule:

6.30 PM – What’s new at GitHub: MV Karan, DevRel, GitHub India

6.40 PM – Contributing to Open Source through Hacktoberfest: Peeyush Gupta, Sr. Developer Advocate, DigitalOcean

7.00 PM – Getting Started Contributing to Open Source: Richa Kumar, Sr. Director of Engineering, GitHub

7.20 PM – Road to CNCF & growing a contributor community: Umasankar Mukkara, Co-Founder, OpenEBS

7.40 PM onwards – Networking & discussions

We’ll dedicate some time for discussions and networking at the end of the event. This is a great opportunity to connect with Hubbers, speakers, and your peers from the Indian developer & Open Source community.

We look forward to hosting you at the Meetup! Don’t miss out on our first GitHub India Meetup. Please RSVP here for event updates, links, and more information.

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