GitHub Africa Virtual Meetup

The developer community in Africa continues to thrive. Here at GitHub, we’re excited to announce our first Virtual Meetup for African developers. This meetup is happening on Tuesday, September 15th,…

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The developer community in Africa continues to thrive. Here at GitHub, we’re excited to announce our first Virtual Meetup for African developers. This meetup is happening on Tuesday, September 15th, from 3pm to 5pm WAT to 5pm WAT / 7am to 9am PST.

Come learn from experts at GitHub and in the local community. We’ll be sharing lots of exciting information about the latest GitHub workflows, newest features, and how to contribute to Open Source!

Africa Meetup brings you top speakers

The event will be hosted by our very own Omoju Miller. She’s a technical advisor to the CEO at GitHub. Omoju will walk us through some of the newest GitHub features, and how they can help us be productive in our work and while contributing to open source projects. She’ll be joined by Xavier René-Corail from our GitHub Security Lab team. Xavier will be speaking about Community-Driven Security.

We have some amazing special guests joining us for the Africa Virtual meetup. Here’s the exciting lineup:

At the end of the event, we will dedicate some time for discussions and networking. This is a great opportunity to connect with Hubbers and other people with common interests in the African developer community. If our last virtual meetup was anything to go by, the Africa virtual meetup will be a treat. You don’t want to miss out. The whole event is virtual and online. Sign up today to stay in touch and receive updates. This is your chance to hear from some amazing developers and top open source community members.

Please sign up to join us.


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