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Highlights from Game Off 2020

Highlights from Game Off 2020

Game Off is our annual month-long game jam. This year’s theme was “moonshot,” and there were more than 500 tre-moon-dous submissions! 🌛 Here are some of the top-rated games as…

Lee Reilly
Commits are snapshots, not diffs

Commits are snapshots, not diffs

Git has a reputation for being confusing. Users stumble over terminology and phrasing that misguides their expectations. This is most apparent in commands that "rewrite history" such as git cherry-pick or git rebase. In my experience,…

Derrick Stolee
No cookie for you

No cookie for you

The developer community remains the heart of GitHub, and we’re committed to respecting the privacy of developers using our product.

Nat Friedman
Reducing flaky builds by 18x

Reducing flaky builds by 18x

Part of the Building GitHub blog series. It’s four o’clock in the afternoon as you push the last tweak to your branch. Your teammate already reviewed and approved your pull request…

Jordan Raine