Join the GitHub Learning Lab Explorer Challenge

From May 23 to June 26, GitHub is hosting a challenge in the Community Forum where you can be recognized for leveling up your knowledge with GitHub Learning Lab.

Join the community forum challenge
| 1 minutes

From May 23 to June 26, GitHub is hosting a challenge in the Community Forum where you can be recognized for leveling up your knowledge with GitHub Learning Lab.

To participate, visit and sign in with your GitHub account. Complete at least three courses, and head to the challenge page on the Community Forum for details on completing your submission.

If you’ve already taken GitHub Learning Lab courses and have completed the minimum three needed to participate, you can head over to the challenge page now to finish your submission today!

Those who complete the challenge by 11:59pm PT on June 26 will receive a limited edition badge on their Community Forum profile in recognition of their achievement and dedication to learning with GitHub. This badge is available only through this challenge.

Get recognized for leveling up your skills with GitHub Learning Lab.

Join the challenge


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