The full schedule for GitHub Universe 2016 is now live

Join us in San Francisco for three days filled with the creativity and curiosity of the largest software community in the world. GitHub Universe features two keynotes, six featured speakers,…

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Join us in San Francisco for three days filled with the creativity and curiosity of the largest software community in the world. GitHub Universe features two keynotes, six featured speakers, and 24 breakout sessions that dive deep into the technical and team challenges of building software.

Together we’ll explore what it takes to define the future of software. Hear how individuals and teams are using modern tools, processes, and cultures to tackle the ever-expanding challenges we face. We’ll look at ways to apply that software to impact everything from communities to businesses. Check out the full schedule here.

Speakers at Universe 2016

GitHub Universe is all about developers, from best practices for workflows and techniques to an examination of the impact their work has on our world. The full program consists of advanced trainings, executive keynotes, two full days of content across three tracks, and a concert benefiting Black Girls Code.

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