Open Source Alley at OSCON: Call For Projects

OSCON is headed to Austin this year and we’re bringing back the GitHub Open Source Alley. The alley features open source projects from across the community where they can chat…

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OSCON is headed to Austin this year and we’re bringing back the GitHub Open Source Alley. The alley features open source projects from across the community where they can chat with attendees, share their work, and get new contributors involved. OSCON runs from May 17 – 19th, 2016, in Austin and we’d like to invite you to apply to be a part of Open Source Alley.

GitHub Open Source Alley

As a featured project at one of the most popular open source conferences in the world, you’ll get:

  • Table in Open Source Alley adjacent to GitHub’s booth
  • Two complimentary OSCON passes for contributors and maintainers
  • Dedicated presentation time in the GitHub booth to highlight your project, deep dive into the code, and get people involved.

To be considered, you just need to complete the application by Friday, April 1st, 2016. The application form has the complete details and requirements for participating.

Can’t wait to see you in Austin!


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