GitHub at Grace Hopper 2014

We’re excited to be back at the Grace Hopper Conference this year! Stop by booth #108 to say hi and grab our newest sticker – the Gracehoptocat: We also have…

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We’re excited to be back at the Grace Hopper Conference this year! Stop by booth #108 to say hi and grab our newest sticker – the Gracehoptocat:


We also have a few events this week that we’d love to see you at:

GitHub Training Workshops

When: Wednesday, October 8th at 12:30–1:30pm, 2:00-3:00pm, 3:30-4:30pm
Where: South Ballroom at the Phoenix Convention Center

The basics of contributing to open source with GitHub: The world of open source is growing, would benefit greatly from your contributions, and offers a great place to practice and refine your programming skills. The majority of the world’s open source software is hosted on GitHub, and this class will get you started with the skills you need to navigate and participate in this version control tool and collaboration platform.

Patchwork Phoenix

When: Thursday, October 9th from 6:30-9:00pm
Where: CO+HOOTS 1027 E. Washington St. #107 Phoenix, AZ 85034

Come to Patchwork and you’ll leave with a merged pull request, a square on your contributions graph, and confidence to get more involved in the open source community. @rachelmyers will kick the event off with a talk on how she got started in programming and @kmariano will close things out with a lightning talk on on Octoblu, an open source project. GitHub staff, local community mentors, and pizza will also all be on hand to help you. Please register if you plan to attend.


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