Game Bytes · April 2023
Game Bytes is our monthly series taking a peek at the world of gamedev on GitHub—featuring game engine updates, game jam details, open source games, mods, maps, and more. Game on!
Game Bytes is our monthly series taking a peek at the world of gamedev on GitHub—featuring game engine updates, game jam details, open source games, mods, maps, and more. Game on!
We are delighted to host the Godot 4.0 Release Party at GitHub HQ on Wednesday, March 22 from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm. And you’re invited!
A Little Game Called Mario is an open source, collectively developed hell project. Anyone and everyone is welcome to contribute their unique talents to make both the player and developer experience more enjoyable. Find out how the collective leverages GitHub Actions to manage this wonderful little community.
Here are the top games created in our annual game jam as rated and reviewed by the developers that made them. Game On! 🤘🏻
The theme for Ludum Dare 48 was “deeper and deeper,” which inspired over ten thousand people to create almost four thousand games together over a weekend. As you can imagine,…
Game Off is our annual month-long game jam. This year’s theme was “moonshot,” and there were more than 500 tre-moon-dous submissions! 🌛 Here are some of the top-rated games as…
WARNING: This post contains zombies, werewolves, extra dimensional beings, mummies, and more! Proceed at your own risk. Trick or treat yourself to some fangtastic Halloween-themed games this weekend. These were…
10 games from Ludum Dare 46 for your entertainment and source code-viewing pleasure.
Thousands of game developers from all over the world participated in Game Off, our annual game jam celebrating open source. Let’s take a look at 2019’s winners.
Join us at GitHub HQ for our annual GDC Party on Tuesday, March 19, from 7pm to midnight.
Our top game picks from the game development competition, Ludum Dare 41.
Join us at GitHub HQ in San Francisco and hear from Godot’s lead developer and network with other Godot users.
Thousands of game developers from all over the world participated in Game Off, our fifth annual game jam celebrating open source. The theme this year was throwback, and jammers created…
Build what’s next on GitHub, the place for anyone from anywhere to build anything.