GitHub Actions – Repository Actions Runners List is now generally available
GitHub Actions – Repository Actions Runners List is now generally available
GitHub Actions – Repository Actions Runners List is now generally available
EMU repository access for non organization members waitlist
Additional repository metrics available via GraphQL API
Codespaces Repository Access and Security Setting Removal
Repository Rules – Public Beta – History, Import, Export
Requiring workflows with Repository Rules is generally available
GitHub Enterprise Cloud customers can now ensure controlled workflows run and pass before code is merged into any of its repositories.
Repository rule insights now make finding more details about how someone merged specific code into your repos even easier. 🔍 Filter by status If you want only to see bypassed…
Temporary private forks can now be deleted from repository advisories
GitHub Advanced Security only consumes licenses for commits and pushes made after a repository is migrated to GitHub
Repository’s Contributing Guidelines available via GraphQL API
Get repository security advisories for your organization via REST API
In the world of software development, collaboration can make the difference between a brittle last-minute release and a reliable, maintainable, pain-free project. Whether you’ve been coding for a day or a decade, your colleagues are there to help strengthen your work. But they can only help if you’ve given them the tools to do so.
Request a CVE identifier for your repository security advisory via REST API
GitHub Actions: Required Workflows will move to Repository Rules
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