Building GitHub with Ruby and Rails
Since the beginning, GitHub.com has been a Ruby on Rails monolith. Today, the application is nearly two million lines of code and more than 1,000 engineers collaborate on it daily.…
Since the beginning, GitHub.com has been a Ruby on Rails monolith. Today, the application is nearly two million lines of code and more than 1,000 engineers collaborate on it daily.…
We’ve open sourced Trilogy, the database adapter we use to connect Ruby on Rails to MySQL-compatible database servers.
At GitHub, we recently added a new feature to Rails that will be available in 7.0: support for handling associations across database clusters.
Learn more about how we are bringing encapsulation to our views as we scale to over 4,500 templates in our Ruby on Rails monolith.
On August 26, 2019, the GitHub application was deployed to production with 100% of traffic on the newest Rails version: 6.0. Read more about our process for upgrading, what we learned, and what’s next.
On August 15th GitHub celebrated a major milestone: our main application is now running on the latest version of Rails: 5.2.1! 🎉 In total the project took a year and…
Congratulations to Alastair! He won our Frozen Rails ticket. Alastair is a Ruby developer that hails from Trondheim, Norway. He has contributed to Rails and has a collection of open…
Thanks to the people behind Frozen Rails, we have another conference pass to give away. This time, you’ll spend two days in the beautiful Helsinki. Same rules as before, fork…
The first of our tickets for Magma Rails goes to Fernando. Signing up in our first year, Fernando has been a GitHub member longer than the others who entered and…
It’s time for another conference ticket give-away. This time it’s for Magma Rails, a Ruby/Rails conference in Mexico. To celebrate their second year, we have 2 tickets to give away.…
We’ll be out in Baltimore next week, RailsConf’in around town, catchin’ some rays by the harbor, seein’ the sights. Did you know Baltimore.org says “Baltimore-it’s not so much a place…
The Ruby and Rails European Conference is being held on October 21-22nd at Pakhuis De Zwijger in Amsterdam. Also, Corey Haines is putting on another Code Retreat on the 23rd.…
kinisoftware ha creado un vídeo en español explicando como preparar un entorno de desarrollo Grails utilizando también Git (con GitHub en remoto) y SpringSource Tool Suite. kinisoftware gracias!
I’ll be speaking at Frozen Rails in May along with some great speakers. Tickets are still available – use the “GitHub” code and get a 10% discount! We’ll be holding…
We spend a lot of time optimizing the front end experience at GitHub. With that said, our asset (css, javascript, images) packaging and serving has evolved to be the best…
@rbates has a great (as always) screencast on Jeweler and Gemcutter. img http://img.skitch.com/20091012-rrf7756fn2kpqeqbx7qukg8xrn.png http://railscasts.com/episodes/183-gemcutter-jeweler Check it out and give Gemcutter a try! (mg looks like another good tool to help…
Inspired by the Merb Internals Handbook, the Grails community has begun working on a handbook of their own: The Grails Internals Handbook. From the README: If you want to contribute,…
Grails, the high-productivity web framework for the Java platform, can now be found on GitHub at http://github.com/grails/grails. img http://img.skitch.com/20090324-m7pd1255rqf7y4e9b5iydn7nka.png http://github.com/grails/grails Welcome, Grailers! Interested in Groovy or Grails? Be sure to…
This is just too cool. @voloko has created railsapi.com, a downloadable, smart searchable Ruby on Rails API with a great interface. img http://railsapi.com/i/browse.png http://railsapi.com img http://railsapi.com/i/smart.png http://railsapi.com img http://railsapi.com/i/recent.png http://railsapi.com…
There’s now an unofficial but updated Grails mirror at http://github.com/chanwit/grails. Follow along and never miss a commit! img http://img.skitch.com/20090225-x8imnrtinwmsj32i4ei5yfwyq5.png http://grails.org
The winners have been announced! Check out the RailsRumble site for the list. Congrats to all.
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