Search results for: Security
Enterprise managed users are now generally available for GitHub Enterprise Cloud
Manage your company in the cloud with more control and governance using enterprise managed users.
GitHub Enterprise Cloud Services continuity plan now available for self-service
GitHub Enterprise Cloud Services continuity plan now available for self-service
GitHub Enterprise Server 3.2 is now generally available
GitHub Enterprise Server 3.2 is now generally available
GitHub Enterprise Server 3.2 is now generally available
This release brings over 70 new features and changes that improve developer experience and deliver new security capabilities.
Revised enterprise DPA with new standard contractual clauses
As part of GitHub’s strong commitment to developer privacy, we are excited to announce updates to our privacy agreements in line with new legal requirements and our own robust data protection practices.
GitHub Advisory Database now includes Rust advisories
GitHub Advisory Database now includes Rust advisories
Announcing npm’s new access token format
npm access tokens will now follow the established format of GitHub authentication tokens.
GitHub Advisory Database now supports Rust
We’re excited to announce that the GitHub Advisory Database now includes curated security advisories on the Rust ecosystem!
CodeQL code scanning now supports Java 16 language features
CodeQL code scanning now supports Java 16 language features
Secret scanning: user-defined patterns now support editing
Secret scanning: user-defined patterns now support editing
Audit log streaming is now in public beta
If you’re a GitHub Enterprise Cloud customer, you can now set up a stream of audit log and Git events to Splunk or an Azure Event Hub.
Contributed Systems is now a GitHub secret scanning partner
Contributed Systems is now a GitHub secret scanning partner
What’s new from GitHub Changelog? August 2021 Recap
What did we ship in August? Codespaces, Discussions, and lots of other updates, from the general availability of the dark high contrast theme to an auto-generated table of contents for wikis.
View secret scanning alerts across an organization
View secret scanning alerts across an organization
The GitHub Enterprise Server 3.2 Release Candidate is available
The GitHub Enterprise Server 3.2 Release Candidate is available
Increasing developer happiness with GitHub code scanning
How GitHub uses code scanning to increase developer happiness, and how you can too.
The world's largest developer platform
Build what’s next on GitHub, the place for anyone from anywhere to build anything.
GitHub Universe 2024
Get tickets to the 10th anniversary of our global developer event on AI, DevEx, and security.